Teller Report

Boyko thinks Naftogaz is a disaster for Ukraine

3/23/2019, 10:38:22 PM

Yuriy Boyko, the presidential candidate of Ukraine and the founder of the Opposition Platform For Life Party, said that Naftogaz had become a “disaster” for the country due to the negative attitude of society.

"In today's form," Naftogaz "is not needed. This is harm and trouble for the country, ”the politician said on the TV channel“ 112 Ukraine ”.

He stressed that the company, which brings about 10% of the country's GDP, should be directly managed by the state.

Instead, according to Boyko, “Naftogaz” was under the control of the “manipulator team”.

At the same time, as the politician noted, citizens of other states are included in the supervisory board of the organization.

Earlier, Boyko called on the Ukrainian authorities to engage in dialogue with the residents of Donbass.