Teller Report

Black Sea Fleet drones attract divers to search for sailors missing in the Black Sea

1/25/2019, 3:43:15 PM

Unmanned vehicles and aircraft of the Black Sea Fleet were attracted to search for missing sailors from burning tankers in the Black Sea, reports RIA Novosti Crimea, citing the press secretary of Rosmorrechflot, Alexei Kravchenko.

“The search operation is on the second day in an active mode,” he said.

According to him, the weather situation in the search zone does not change. Kravchenko explained that the sea is agitated, the height of the waves reaches one and a half meters, the southeast wind.

Earlier it was reported that the burning of two foreign tankers continues the fourth day.

On January 21, a fire broke out on the gas carrier and another vessel flying the Tanzanian flag in the Kerch Strait area. 12 sailors rescued, ten bodies raised on board, ten more people remain missing.

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