Teller Report

Because of the massacre of New Zealand .. Muslims of France are suing Facebook and YouTube

3/26/2019, 9:32:46 AM

The French Islamic Council filed a lawsuit against YouTube and Facebook in France for the video of the New Zealand mosque massacre.

The council, which represents the Islamic religion in the country, said it had filed a complaint for "broadcasting a message of a violent nature that incites terrorism or of a nature that seriously harms human dignity and can be seen by a minor," according to a complaint sent to the Paris prosecutor on Monday.

The punishment for these crimes is three years' imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros.

The council said these "terrorist acts continued" on Facebook "29 minutes after the start" of the broadcast, and before being pulled out by the supervisors on the site. During those minutes, he saw minors on the tape, "especially Muslims who were very shocked."

"The failure to accelerate Facebook to delete the video was the result of its publication on YouTube shortly after the broadcast," which enabled "the broadcast on the national territory through these platforms."

The Council considered that "these two networks of social communication carry their criminal responsibility because of the seriousness of the crime and its psychological effects on adolescents." The actions taken by these two networks do not guarantee the impossible to inform minors about the video.

According to Facebook, the video of the mosque massacre lasted 17 minutes and broadcast live, and was seen directly less than two hundred times, but the company pulled 1.2 million videos shared among the pioneers.

Facebook said it was quick to delete hundreds of thousands of copies. However, the video was found on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube owned by Alavapt a few hours after the attack. The video was also published on Facebook and Instagram applications.

Fifty people were killed in the shooting of worshipers in New Zealand on March 15 and broadcast live on Facebook before they were copied and posted on Web sites.