Teller Report

Bastrykin sent criminologists to Petersburg after the collapse of overlaps in ITMO

2/17/2019, 1:21:33 PM

Alexander Bastrykin, chairman of the Russian Investigative Committee of Russia, sent criminologists of the central office of the department to St. Petersburg after the floor collapsed in ITMO building.

It is reported by the press service of the IC of Russia.

As clarified in the department, criminologists were sent "to provide comprehensive practical assistance, carrying out the necessary investigative actions, establishing the most complete picture of what happened."

February 16 in the building of the university collapsed overlap. As emphasized in the MOE, there are no victims of the incident.

University rector Vladimir Vasilyev commented on the incident.

According to the Acting Head of St. Petersburg Alexander Beglov, the cause of the collapse at the university is connected with repair work.