Teller Report

Barbarossa .. Ottoman leader who saved the Muslims of Andalusia and France

1/23/2019, 10:58:19 AM

The history of the Ottoman Empire is full of strong heroes who have exerted great efforts in the cause of God and the homeland to lift the injustice of Muslims who suffered the scourge of the Crusader armies. The impact of the fall of the Abbasid Caliphate through the Mamluk and Fatimid era. The state of chaos and instability in the Islamic world remained until the beginning of the Ottoman Empire in 678, The hero of our story is the leader of the "Red Beard" Fakhruddin Barbarossa, whose western image has been distorted by many Western films, which he has shown to be an evil pirate touring the sea.

To the extent that we mentioned the name of Barbarossa to a house in our imagination, the image of the pirate, the blind eye with the wooden foot and the iron hand, forgetting the biography of the Muslim hero who fought many great wars against the Crusader armies that were engaged in holy wars under the auspices of the Catholic Church against Muslims during the Middle Ages. The rule of the Ottoman Sultan Salim I after his success in many of the tasks assigned to him, which we will talk about in this article, the most prominent of which is the rescue of Muslims of Andalusia from the Spanish Inquisition after the fall of the Muslim state in Andalusia to rescue France after the fall of the King Francois And with the grip of Charles of Spain and militarization within the famous port of Toulon overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.

Commander Khairuddin Barbarossa .. Born and raised

Barbarossa barred in penetrating the fortresses of the Crusaders and control of the cities of Western Andalusia, and was transferred 70 thousand Andalusian Muslims in a fleet of 36 ships, were secured in Algeria and settled in Algeria

Born in the Greek island of Lesbos or Maddali, under the rule of the archipelago under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, Khadr ibn Yaqoub was known for his work with the Ansarish band, a military contingent of Ottoman infantry soldiers known by force And his mother, "Catalina" Christian says after sources that she was the widow of a Christian priest, and has four brothers are larger than Ishaq, Aroj, Elias, and Mohammed, and grew up a strong Islamic origin, one of his brothers to learn the Koran and the study of science religion , While Khairuddin Barbaros had A great passion for riding the seas, his brother and his brother married naval boats and did business before entering the military field.

Achievements and wars

The leader Barbarossa has a record of achievements and victories that history without gold, despite the difference of many historians in that the different directions, and the most prominent battles fought by Fatah and Algeria from the Spanish attacks through the Battle of Barouza Navy, which won the European fleet of 600 naval units and captured more than 3000 thousand fighters without loss of any piece of Ottoman to the siege of Nice and militarization in the port of Toulon, while the largest event in the lives of Barbarossa, many consider the appeal of Andalusians Muslims to save them from the Spanish genocide campaigns, where Barbarossa Musharraf position To the Muslims of Andalusia who were suffering from persecution and racial discrimination in the most severe forms by the Catholic Church and its followers after the fall of the Islamic state of Andalusia in 897 AH corresponding to 1492 AD, where the principle of ethnic cleansing was adopted to eliminate the Muslims, after the King of Spain gave Faridand and his wife Isabella Many promises to the King of Andalusia Muhammad XII before surrendering not to be exposed to Muslims.

The Spanish quickly broke the covenant and started the Catholic Church by doing what they wanted against the Muslims of Andalusia, who had wreaked havoc. They had killed and tortured them in dark underground detention camps known as the Inquisition, which in turn began to commit atrocities and countless crimes against Muslims. The historians say that the Inquisition forced thousands of Andalucians to abandon Islam and enter Christian religion. They also forced them to burn copies of the Holy Quran, Islamic and Arabic books in various fields, which were considered an invaluable treasure, N, thousands of Muslims killed during the Catholic campaigns, while others managed to flee to the North African countries and the greater part of them remained stuck at the mercy of the Inquisition racism.

In the meantime, Arrog Barbarossa, the brother of the leader Khairuddin, had become famous in the seas and his young state, which he founded in Algeria, began to grow and expand significantly, especially after his success in expelling the Spaniards from the coasts they occupied in North Africa. He also succeeded in annexing Egypt to his country. Declaring his allegiance and obeying the Ottoman Caliphate.

Then the Spaniards sensed the danger of the young state and prepared a huge campaign of 15,000 fighters to eliminate them. They succeeded in penetrating inside Algeria and besieging the city of Tlemcen, where the governor of Aruj was holed up and managed to kill him with his brother Elias in 1518 AD. His elder brother became the governor of the Ottoman Empire.

After that, Sultan Selim I of Barbarossa asked for the rescue of the Muslims of Andalusia. He sailed from the far east of Turkey to the far west of Andalusia to fight the Crusader armies (Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and the ships of St. John). In 1970, 70,000 Andalusian Muslims were transported in a fleet of 36 ships, on seven flights in 1529, and secured and settled in Algeria.

Turkish - French alliance

The King of France offered Barbarossa the establishment of an Ottoman base in the French port of Toulon overlooking the Mediterranean Sea to protect France from the attacks of the Roman Empire in exchange for helping the Ottomans liberate Tunisia

After the Emperor of the Roman Empire and King Charles of France defeated the then king of France Francois I and his family after the Battle of Pavia in 1525 AD and forced him to sign the humiliating Madrid agreement of the French, in which he made many concessions in favor of the Spaniards, Francois I sent a letter of distress to the Ottoman Sultan, And the response to his request from the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent with a lengthy letter from which he said, with great care, the glory of the glory of God Almighty and his word, and the miracles of the master of the Prophets, May Allah bless him and the many blessings, and with the support of the four holy spirits of the protection, Abu Bakr, Omar, Uthman and, God bless them all the Almighty, and all guardians of God.

I am the Sultan of the Sultans and the proof of the Khoakin. I am the crown of kings, the shadow of God in the two lands. I am the Sultan of the Black Sea, the Black Sea, the Red Sea, the Anatolia, the Roman, the Roman, the Qadriya, Diyarbakir, Kurdistan, Azerbaijan, Ajam, Sham, Egypt, Makkah, Madinah, Jerusalem and all the lands of Arabs, Many others have opened the hand of my majesty with the sword of the nail. Praise be to Allah. And God is greatest. I am Sultan Sulaiman bin Sultan bin Salim bin Bayazid, to Francis of France.

In the wake of this, a joint alliance was established between France and the Ottoman Empire despite the objection of the church and its designation by Catholics in the alliance of the underworld, but the king of France had another opinion. The choice of François was in his request for the help of the Ottoman Sultan for many reasons, the most important of which was that the Ottoman Empire Was considered the most powerful country in the world and was at the height of its prosperity during the reign of Sultan Suleiman the law and the title of the West Solomon wonderful, so if he hoped to achieve more gains at the expense of Spaniards.

In 1543 the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent commissioned Commander Khairuddin Barbarossa to sail to France with a fleet of 100 ships and 30,000 troops to help the French liberate the city of Nice from the legends of the Duchy of Savoy, loyal to Charlecan. Barbarossa succeeded in liberating the city and defeating the armies of Romans and Italians. Following this great Ottoman victory, the king of France presented Barbarossa with the establishment of an Ottoman base at the French port of Toulon overlooking the Mediterranean Sea to protect France from the attacks of the Roman Empire in return for helping the Ottomans liberate Tunisia. Barbarossa accepted the offer after the approval of the Ottoman Sultan. A huge military campaign of the Ottoman Empire, and the Ottoman-French alliance lasted nearly three centuries until Napoleon attacked Egypt, which was considered one of the territory of the Ottoman Empire from the port of Toulon itself, which was provided by François I to the Ottomans in order to protect the P Nessa from the Roman danger.