Teller Report

Attack in Kenya: the woman and the father of the kamikaze arrested

1/19/2019, 8:18:50 PM

Kenyan police have arrested the wife and father of Mahir Khalid Riziki, identified as the author of the suicide bombing that killed 21 people in Nairobi on Tuesday.

Kenyan police arrested the woman and father of a man identified as the author of the suicide bombing in Tuesday's attack on the DusitD2 hotel complex in Nairobi, which left 21 dead, according to a report. police source Saturday. The suicide bomber, who was one of five Somali Shebab fighters to lead the attack, was identified as Mahir Khalid Riziki, 25, who grew up in Mombasa.

"Essential" testimonials. "The kamikaze's wife is now in our custody, she will help us understand her husband's last moments and movements, her history in recent years and her latest acts," said a senior police officer under cover. of anonymity. "She was arrested in Mombasa and taken to Nairobi for further interrogation." The kamikaze's father was also arrested. "In an investigation of this nature, the family members of these people are essential because they hold crucial information," said the police source.

Recruited by the shebab. According to the police officer, Mahir Khalid Riziki was identified by cell phone communication, and he contacted one of the other assailants just before blowing himself up. "He grew up in Mombasa and that's where he was recruited by the Shebab," he said, adding that he had already been involved in attacks on the security forces and had already been to neighboring Somalia. .

An attack on Tuesday. The attack on the DusitD2 complex in a neighborhood in Nairobi began around 3 pm on Tuesday when the suicide bomber blew himself up in front of the terrace of one of the resort's restaurants. The other four members of the commando were later killed by the security forces. The al-Qaeda-affiliated Shebab have reported retaliating against the transfer from the US embassy in Jerusalem, according to the US center for jihadist websites SITE. In 2013, the attack on the Westgate shopping center in Nairobi by a Shebab commando had killed 67 people.