Teller Report

At the UN, Angelina Jolie pleads for an America involved in the world

3/29/2019, 9:59:37 PM

The special envoy of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees delivered a plea for an America as opposed to Donald Trump's unilateral decisions on Friday. & Nbsp;

The special envoy of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees delivered a plea for an America contrary to the unilateral decisions of Donald Trump on Friday.

Actress Angelina Jolie, Special Envoy of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, on Friday pleaded at the United Nations General Assembly forum for US involvement in the international arena, the opposite isolationist views of Donald Trump.

"I love my country and I want to see it prosper". "I am a patriot, I love my country and I want to see it prosper," she said in a session dedicated to peace operations. "I also believe in an America that is a member of the international community," she said. "By working together on an equal footing, countries can reduce the risk of conflict," said the American actress. "This is how we can avoid having to send men and women from our armies to fight and sacrifice themselves abroad."

A tackle at Donald Trump. Since taking office in January 2017, Republican President Donald Trump, in the face of unilateral decisions based on the "America first" principle, has expressed skepticism towards international organizations and some traditional alliances of the United States. At the United Nations, US policy is focused on reducing costs.