Teller Report

At the airport of Volgograd passenger detained a fight on board the aircraft was detained

3/3/2019, 6:34:33 PM

At the airport in Volgograd, Aviadeboshir was detained, which caused a fight with one of the passengers on board the aircraft. This was reported by the official representative of the Ministry of Interior of Russia Irina Volk.

"The transport police at the Volgograd airport received a message about the need for the arrival of the police squad aboard an aircraft flown in from Moscow," TASS quoted her as saying.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, during the flight, a man born in 1992 violated public order, was obscenely expressing himself against passengers and flight attendants, and also gave a fight.

It clarifies that the offender was taken to the duty unit, where an administrative protocol was drawn up against him under the article of the Administrative Code of Russia “Petty hooliganism”.

Earlier it was reported that the plane performing the flight from St. Petersburg to Antalya made an emergency landing at Sochi airport because of a rowdy on board.

URA.RU reported that the Oktyabrsky District Court of Yekaterinburg had sentenced a 22-year-old Moscow resident for brawling aboard an aircraft of the Ural Airlines.