Teller Report

Assad: the opposition in the constitutional commission represents the interests of Turkey

2/17/2019, 1:54:51 PM

ATS President Bashar Assad said that part of the constitutional commission of the Syrian opposition is not the interests of the people of Syria, but the point of view of Turkey.

“There is another side, which, logically, should represent the second side of the Syrian people, who does not agree with the point of view of the state. However, as you know, this side represents the Turkish state, they do not represent either the Syrian side or themselves, ”RIA Novosti quotes Assad.

He noted that representatives of the Syrian government in the constitutional commission represent the views of the authorities of the SAR and most of the Syrian people.

Earlier, UN special envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen said that there was tangible progress in the process of agreeing on the composition of the constitutional commission.