Teller Report

Anonymous hackers have published new documents

1/25/2019, 6:06:22 PM

The hacker group Anonymous has published new documents that, according to them, relate to the activities of the UK project Integrity Initative.

It clarifies the RIA News, Integrity Initiative to date, not commented on the publication. At the same time, according to the agency, the project previously recognized the authenticity of documents published by Anonymous.

The new publication notes that the director of the British non-governmental organization Institute of Public Administration, Christopher Donnelly, initiated the creation of a group of military intelligence specialists (Specialist Group Military Intelligence, SGMI) and recruited staff and experts.

Hackers released a list that consists of the names and surnames of 51 agents, attracted by Donnelly. The document also indicates other data of group members.

“It is highly unlikely that people on the list know that they are part of an illegal network. There is also little hope that they are aware of the goals for which they are used and the methods for achieving these goals, ”Anonymous emphasized.

Information about Donnelly was also found in Anonymous’s early publications. Then, as indicated, it was reported that he tried to convince the British authorities to "investigate the Russian threat."

Earlier, hackers Anonymous published a package of documents on the activities of the Integrity Initiative, among which were two analytical reports on the activities of RT in the Arab segment of the media and the effectiveness of the work of the channel in social networks.

In both documents, the success of the channel chosen by the channel to provide an alternative point of view on world events was stated.