Teller Report

An Asian accused of trampling a European and stealing his phone

3/31/2019, 10:05:37 PM

The Sharjah Criminal Court has tried a case in which a person of Asian nationality was accused of assaulting another European, trampling him, stealing his mobile phone with the help of other individuals, and then fleeing. The court heard the statement of the complainant, who confirmed that he was walking at night in the industrial area of ​​Sajaa

The Sharjah Criminal Court has tried a case in which a person of Asian nationality was accused of assaulting another European, trampling him, stealing his mobile phone with the help of other individuals, and then fleeing. The court heard the statement of the complainant, who confirmed that he was walking at night in the industrial zone of Saja. He noticed a car that was following him. When he turned to the back, the car hit him, causing him to fall to the ground, and then five people got out of the car and attacked him with sticks. Without knowing why he was assaulted by them, and then fled.

He said that after he regained consciousness on the second day, he contacted the police and informed them of the incident. The defendant, who he did not know, was found in the court after being photographed by a camera in the industrial area of ​​Saja.

The court, charged with the charges against him, denied it and said it was wanted for another case of selling and trading alcohol, and the court decided to hold the appeal on April 16.