Teller Report

Alexis Corbière responds to Gabriel Attal: "It's distressing and petty"

3/24/2019, 5:56:39 PM

Alexis Corbière replied to Secretary of State Gabriel Attal, who said Sunday on Europe 1 that Jean-Luc Mélenchon "would like to have a serious accident in a demonstration of yellow vests".

Alexis Corbière replied to Secretary of State Gabriel Attal, who said Sunday on Europe 1 that Jean-Luc Mélenchon "would like us to have a serious accident in a demonstration of yellow vests".


Gabriel Attal sharply criticized Jean-Luc Mélenchon on Sunday morning on Europe 1, saying he "would like us to have a serious accident in a demonstration of yellow vests". Alexis Corbières responded in the evening to the Secretary of State to the Minister of Education. "It is distressing and petty, but he has accustomed us to that," said the MP the insubordinate France, questioned by Europe 1.

"Attal has an obsession with insubordinate France". "He may not be aware, but in the last 19 weeks there has been a woman who died from tear gas at her home in Marseille, where 219 people were seriously injured in the head. , and 22 who lost the use of one eye, and five who had the hand torn off, etc ... ", continued Alexis Corbière.

"It's unheard of in the history of the social movements of this country, you really have to be disconnected from reality to be ironic about it, Mr. Attal has an obsession with insubordinate France and Jean-Luc Mélenchon," said the deputy. BIA.