Teller Report

Al-Rumaithi: The UAE Tawaaf is a big event that reflects the status of the state globally

2/24/2019, 10:09:55 PM

Abu Dhabi Sports Council Chairman Mohammed Khalfan Al-Rumaithi said that the UAE Tawaaf is a rich event and a great achievement for the development movement witnessed by the country in all sectors and a great honor for the sports family as the only world race in the region.

Abu Dhabi Sports Council (ADTA) Chairman Mohammed Khalfan Al Rumaithi said that the UAE Tawaaf is a great event for the UAE's development movement in all sectors and a great honor for the sports family as the only international race in the Middle East on the agenda of the International Federation For bicycles.

He said in a press statement that the UAE tawaaf is the result of the wise vision of the wise leadership to support the sustainability of the sports successes achieved by Abu Dhabi and Dubai over the past years and to consolidate the sports progress, thus contributing to supporting the economic and tourism sectors and the developmental renaissance of the country. To provide continuous support to the sports sector, noting that the unification of cruises in one global cruise reflects the keenness and interest of those involved in joint coordination, standardization of plans, and provide organizational expertise to support the first version of the UAE cruise, Past and providing them with new initiatives and represent the achievements of distinctive ideas and meaningful, to establish and uphold the position of the UAE high in all forums.

Al-Rumaithi said that the UAE tawaaf will lead to more success in spreading the culture of cycling among all sectors of the UAE society. It will contribute to raising the level of culture and the role of sport in the welfare and happiness of societies.

He added, "The UAE's tawaf will double its value and will highlight the cultural progress achieved by the country in various fields. It will also embody the global leadership of the country in adopting and embracing the most important international sporting events, reflecting the great developments and potentials.