Teller Report

Al - Buraq eyes .. Project to deepen knowledge of the maximum

1/26/2019, 4:49:21 PM

Aseel soldier - Jerusalem

From the village of Jaljuliya in the southern triangle inside the occupied, the young Yazid Jaber went to the Al-Aqsa Mosque. There, he was accompanied by 50 imams with their mothers on a guided tour of the mosque's landmarks within the project of "Ayoun al-Buraq", which he joined two years ago and became one of the tour guides.

Yazid joined a course of the same name organized by the Aqsa Association for the care of Islamic endowments and sanctuaries inside Al-Aqsa Mosque, during which he underwent a practical training after receiving theoretical information by specialists.

"I was concerned about the Al-Aqsa Mosque and I belong to it more after receiving deep and historical knowledge about it," he said.

The tour usually takes half an hour for which a specific route is set. It may include domes, niches, chapels, or the doors of Al-Aqsa Mosque and others. In this tour, Yazid started with orphans in front of the Al-Aqsa Mosque library. About the history of the chapel and the bullet and burned by an extremist in 1969.

On the side of the tour "Ayoun al-Buraq" at Al-Aqsa Mosque, where participants receive important information about Al-Aqsa (Al-Jazeera)

A passion for information
During the annotations, he deliberately asked the children to draw attention to the importance of the information, who in turn interacted with the tour and set out for the ancient Al Aqsa Mosque and from it to the Marwani Chapel, which was the last stop of the tour.

The total area of ​​Al-Aqsa Mosque and the area of ​​the chapels are the most surprising of the mothers and children who received the information for the first time.

Ahmed Abu Hadwan (12 years old) The most children looked forward to the information Yazid gave. He answered several questions about the place. When asked about the reason, he said: "I live in the Mughrabi Gate close to al-Aqsa. I hesitate to pray in the mosque and join the ranks of men. The tribal chapel is the most beloved chapels to me and enjoy the view of Salah al-Din Al-Ayyubi inside. "

Director General of Al Aqsa Association for the care of Islamic endowments and sanctuaries Mohammed Sawaed said that the members of the Association felt the need for qualified guides in the Al Aqsa Mosque to guide the worshipers and take them in tours aimed at strengthening their relationship to the place through the identification of the features and historical stories that took place in the chapels and squares.

The Al-Aqsa Society launched the "Ayoun al-Buraq" project years ago, and so far, 100 young men and women have graduated from Jerusalem and the occupied home. They underwent training in which they learned the knowledge of Al-Aqsa Mosque and mastered the correct narrative of its landmarks. They became qualified guides to receive the delegations and the martyrs of the mosque.

Sawaed: The presence of qualified guides in Al-Aqsa Mosque helps guide the worshipers and take them in tours aimed at strengthening their relationship with the place (the island)

Hundreds of buses
Accompanied by guides worshipers from inside the occupants in their convoys and also receive school students to organize tours within the mosque, and the total number of buses that were launched from the occupied inside towards the Al-Aqsa Mosque last year 2500 buses run by the Association of Aqsa.

"We care about the care of orphans in Jerusalem through vouchers that we offer them so that they can buy winter clothes by means of improved ones in the occupied home," Sawaed said. We stand beside them and help them to strengthen their steadfastness in Jerusalem and to seize their homes. We decided to distribute coupons at Al Aqsa after organizing a guided tour for children and mothers inside. "

Al-Aqsa Association cooperates with the president of Al-Aqsa Academy for Waqf and Heritage Najih Bakirat, who said that he planted the seeds of the first project ten years ago. He designed a curriculum for the youth group to train them on Al-Aqsa's knowledge through four axes: historical, political, scientific and social.

In his speech to Al-Jazeera Net, he added that he adopted a 60% practical application pattern in the courses, trying to use the experts of Jerusalem to diversify the tender and enrich the meetings.