Teller Report

After suspension of the Fidesz party: Orbán could continue anti-EU poster campaign

3/24/2019, 3:53:39 PM

"We should not be afraid": Hungary's right-wing populist Prime Minister Viktor Orbán suggests that he could soon rush on with placards against the EU.

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has hinted at a resumption of his campaign against the EU Commission for the European elections. "The people in Brussels are a little bit angry with us because at the start of the election campaign in Hungary we ran an information campaign revealing the activities in Brussels," Orbán said on state radio.

It was the task of the Hungarian Government to keep people informed about what makes Brussels so special. "We should not give in, we should not be afraid because the opponent complains and attacks us."

A government spokesman did not want to answer the question if this meant that the poster campaign would be resumed. "The Prime Minister's words speak for themselves," he said simply.

The European People's Party had suspended the membership of Orban's party Fidesz in the conservative party family because of the ongoing dispute with the EU. In the poster campaign, Fidesz accused EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and US billionaire George Soros of deliberately promoting illegal immigration into the EU.