Teller Report

Abe called the condition for the possible creation of US military bases in the Kuriles

1/30/2019, 2:37:55 PM

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe explained the condition under which the United States would have the opportunity to create military bases on some of the Kuril Islands.

This is reported by Kyodo.

According to the prime minister, in the event of the transfer of part of the southern Kuril Islands to Japan, the deployment of US military bases there will be possible only with the consent of Tokyo.

“Although, according to the US-Japan Security Treaty, the United States military has the right to use land and power in Japan, the government must agree on where it will be located (specified facilities. - RT ),” RIA Novosti quotes Abe.

Earlier it was reported that, according to the VTsIOM, three-quarters of Russian citizens are against the transfer of four southern islands of the Kuril Ridge to Japan.

As the head of the organization, Valery Fedorov, noted, Russian society fears that such a move could lead to a “chain reaction” and revise the outcome of the Second World War.

Read more about the situation in the RT material.