Teller Report

A fuss about the most popular kiss in Times Square

2/21/2019, 12:18:58 PM

The death of the American sailor, who became famous after taking a picture of him kissing a girl at Times Square in New York after the historic victory over Japan in World War II, sparked a wave of widespread commentary on social networking sites.

The death of the American sailor, who became famous after taking a picture of him kissing a girl in New York's Times Square after the historic victory over Japan in World War II, sparked a wave of widespread commentary on social networking sites.

Comments about the death of the sea at the age of 95 years, were not for a normal reason, but came to ask the question again, "Was this kiss was a celebration or sexual harassment was silent on the time?".

Among the many comments on the subject, not everyone agreed that the picture was for a person to celebrate, although many considered the picture as an expression of the joy of the United States on the surrender of Japan, but some later considered it, as Time magazine wrote, Sexually assaulted ".

The photograph of the Kiss of the Seas, taken by photographer Alfred Eisenstadt, was among the most famous images of that period. The sailor, George Mendonza, and Greta Zimmer Friedman, who was twenty-one years old at the time, took the day of victory over Japan.

This was one of four photographs taken by photographer Alfred Eisenstadt among a number of festive pictures of Life magazine. But the death of Friedman in 2016, 92 years ago, before Indonesia hid the truth of this kiss.

Mendonza suffered a heart attack and died on Sunday at a nursing home in Middleton, Rhode Island.

The photographer Eisenstadt described how he watched the seas of Indonesia as he ran down the street on August 14, 1945, and smashed any girl with his eye. "I was running in front of him and with the camera (Leica), where I took many pictures without any of them admiring me," he says.

"Suddenly, one of them grabbed a white thing and turned and recorded the kiss of the sea to the nurse, and if she were wearing a dark dress then I would not have taken the picture."

Several US sailors who were on August 14, 1945 in Times Square, New York, claimed to be the owners of this famous photograph, but photographer Eisenstadt confirmed that the picture belonged to Indonesia.