Teller Report

A flashmob in Frankfurt degenerates in confrontation with the police

3/24/2019, 2:38:28 PM

Saturday night in Frankfurt, a flashmob of 600 young people degenerated in confrontation with the police. & Nbsp; A policeman was hit in the face by a 17-year-old boy. & Nbsp;

Saturday night in Frankfurt, a flashmob of 600 young people degenerated into a confrontation with the police. One police officer was hit in the face by a 17-year-old man.

A flashmob of 600 young people degenerated Saturday night in Frankfurt in confrontation with the police, teenagers do not hesitate to throw stones at the police, announced the authorities Sunday. Some 600 young people found themselves in a busy shopping street, where they ran "without any consideration for pedestrians," police said in a statement. The police then contacted the organizer of this rally, ordering him to disperse it.

A police officer hit in the face

A police officer was then hit in the face by a 17-year-old man. When the five policemen present tried to stop him, some of the young people began throwing stones at them, wounding three slightly. The rally was finally dispersed after two hours.

The police are investigating to try to understand the cause of the rally, and see if any lawsuits could be brought against the organizers to make them pay the cost of the intervention. A few days earlier in Berlin, there were clashes between some 400 fans of two rival YouTubers, and it took about a hundred police to end the scrum.