Teller Report

A 50-year-old saves a child and his mother from death in the 'Ajman Building Fire'

1/15/2019, 10:00:53 PM

The Deputy Director-General of the General Department of Civil Defense in Ajman, Brigadier Rashid Jassim Majlad, Farouk Islam Nour Al-Haq (50 years of Bengali), in recognition of his heroism in rescuing a 3-year-old boy, threw him from the balcony of her apartment in Naameya, The corridor of the building, resulting in that

The Deputy Director-General of the General Department of Civil Defense in Ajman, Brigadier Rashid Jassim Majlad, Farouk Islam Nour Al-Haq (50 years of Bengali), in recognition of his heroism in rescuing a 3-year-old boy, threw him from the balcony of her apartment in Naameya, The building's corridor, resulting in heavy smoke, then helped the mother to jump from the balcony.

Al-Haq told Emirates Al-Youm that he was on his way to buy some of his needs from a grocery store near the building that was exposed to the fire. He saw a Pakistani woman in Urdu asking for help and no one responded to her because they did not know her language, She told him that there was a fire in the building and she was afraid to go out with her 3-year-old child for fear of being hurt.

He added that he explained to her a mechanism to throw the child from the balcony, to pick him up without falling to the ground, pointing out that the mother threw the child from the second floor, and managed to pick him up, near the balcony from the ground, without harm.

He added that he put the child aside after he was sure of his safety. He then helped the mother to jump from the balcony by guiding her to a way to jump so as not to be hurt. The mother managed to jump over a car, noting that he stayed with the mother and the child until the ambulance and civil defense came to rest. On them.

He pointed out that he works in the industrial area with a mechanical profession, stressing that what he has done is a social duty.

Brigadier Rashid Jassim Majad said that the administration is keen to honor those who carry out heroic acts that contribute to reducing accidents and deaths.

He called on the public to provide assistance to those who are exposed to minor accidents until the arrival of support from the official authorities, noting the importance of taking safety measures, implementing evacuation plans in residential buildings, ensuring that the materials are stored in their proper places and using emergency exits in case of fires.

A fire broke out in the Na'imiyah area as a result of the burning of a washing machine and a refrigerator in the building's corridor. Heavy smoke spread and caused the building to be contaminated. Civil defense, rescue and national ambulance vehicles moved to the site.

The accident resulted in the injury of the mother and an Arab man who threw himself from the first floor to escape the smoke from the fire, resulting in various injuries, and were taken to hospital for treatment.