Teller Report

15 thousand participants in the first week of the launch «makers of hope»

3/31/2019, 10:03:46 PM

The "Makers of Hope" initiative, the largest of its kind in the Arab world to honor the winners, has succeeded in attracting a large number of humanitarian soldiers in the Arab world to participate in it. The official website of the initiative received more than 15,000 applications Who is he?

The "Makers of Hope" initiative, the largest of its kind in the Arab world to honor the winners, has succeeded in attracting a large number of humanitarian soldiers in the Arab world to participate in it. The official website of the initiative received more than 15,000 applications From various parts of the Arab world, from individuals and groups active in volunteer work, in various fields of humanitarian work, as well as from Arab hope makers who are active in voluntary, charitable and humanitarian work outside the Arab world.

Thousands of people were keen to visit the initiative's official website, either for registration or for a closer look at the aspects of the initiative, with a total of 75,600 people. "It confirms that the Arab world is full of inspirational hope stories and is able to motivate people to think positively and contribute to addressing the societal challenges facing their home countries," said Khaled Shehhi, director of the initiative.

Al-Shehhi added that "this huge number of participants reflects the great resonance achieved by the" makers of hope "since the launch of its first session, making it a modern Arab street, reflecting its mission and vision primarily as the largest Arab initiative to honor the promoters of hope and optimism. "Through their humanitarian and community initiatives, women seek to address the most important challenges in their societies and to improve their lives, hoping for a better future for their countries."

Al-Shehhi continued: "The third session of the" Hopemakers "is witnessing the participation of a large number of young people, a large number of them on the university level. In order to follow up all the stories, we have formed a team that is specialized in sorting applications, examining them, studying them and evaluating them in principle. For the initiative, and follow-up nominations (makers of hope) on various means of social communication, or receive messages that were received in this regard from all over the world ».

The first is Arabic

Egypt topped the list of Arab countries in terms of participation, which accounted for 16.2% of the total number of participants, followed by the United Arab Emirates by 16%. This year was marked by the strong presence of hope makers from North Africa, through a large number of participants, compared to the last two sessions, Algeria ranked third with 9.5%, Morocco ranked fourth with 9% and Iraq ranked fifth with more than 6%.

Youth participants in the "Hopemakers" initiative took the largest share of the total number of entries. The number of applicants in the age group between 21 and 35 was more than 57%, followed by the age group 36 to 50 by more than 23% Over 51 years of age over 13%, and this year was characterized by a remarkable participation of young people and adolescents under the age of 20 years, an average of about 6%.

The initiatives and projects of the «makers of hope» were distributed to various sectors and areas of volunteerism and humanity. The community service initiatives led the largest number of participants at a rate of about 32%, followed by educational initiatives at a rate of approximately 13%, followed by health and medical initiatives by 6%.

In addition to these vital sectors, the initiatives of hope makers include environmental, relief, cultural and artistic fields, as well as initiatives on the empowerment of women, youth, children and stakeholders.

«Makers of Hope»

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum launched the "Hopemakers" initiative in 2017 to honor the people of the Arab world who are the makers of positive change, the good benefactors who are keen to spread the culture of hope around them, motivated by a sense of humanity and responsibility, Personal, or limited support, to improve the lives of people around them, to improve their lives, to help the disadvantaged and to help those affected, and to alleviate the suffering of the marginalized groups in their communities without charge.

The first session of the «makers of hope» received more than 65 thousand makers of hope, while the nominations of the second session more than 87 thousand candidates, where five makers of hope were honored at each session, a prize of one million dirhams each hope maker, to help him continue his humanitarian work , At five million dirhams per session, making it the highest bidder in the world.

Egypt is the first in the number of candidates, followed by the UAE and Algeria.


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