Teller Report

13 tickets for two children: the UK and the prosecutor's office will check the circumstances of the flight of the Russians with sick sons

2/14/2019, 4:15:42 PM

The investigative committee understands the circumstances of the flight of the mother with two sick children from Kurgan to Moscow. According to the woman, she had to buy 13 air tickets to transport children after the operation. She could hardly collect the required amount. At the same time, UTair reported that no one had warned in advance about the presence of people with limited mobility - their transportation requires certain preparations.

Employees of the transport divisions of the Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor's Office understand the resonant history of the resident of the Khabarovsk Territory Natalia Zagumennaya.

The unpleasant story that happened to a single mother from a small town, Vyazemsky, became known after the story on the TV channel "Russia 1". The woman, along with two seven-year-old twin sons Maxim and Matvey, who suffer from cerebral palsy, went to Kurgan for treatment, where the Ilizarov Specialized Scientific Center is located.

Only for a ticket from Kurgan to Moscow for one of her children, who after the operation was lying down, Natalia had to pay more than 40 thousand rubles. The trip (Natalia had to fly through Moscow) was financed by the Russian Children's Fund.

However, according to the woman, UTair Airlines demanded to pay more than ten seats.

The airline told her: in order to transport Maxim, you must install a special stretcher in the cabin. To do this, you need to fold three rows of seats, which is equivalent to nine passenger seats. Her second son, Matthew, who had one leg plastered, also needed extra space in the cabin. In total, Zagumennaya had to buy 13 tickets at once, she collected money for them with great difficulty.

“In the course of the inspection, the investigator of the IC of Russia will assess all the facts set forth in the television story. Also, the investigator will assess the legitimacy of the actions of the airline’s employees, ”the report of the Ural Investigation Department for Transport of the Russian Federation IC noted.

Contact Natalia Zagumennaya herself, who has now returned with her children to her hometown, RT failed. Representatives of the regional branch of the charity fund were also unavailable for comment.

Natalya's sons, as she told KP, went to the quota for a planned operation to correct the feet. The issue of costly travel helped to solve the regional branch of the Russian Children's Fund. The flight Khabarovsk-Moscow-Khabarovsk was made by Aeroflot free of charge under the charity program “Miles of Kindness”. To get from the capital to Kurgan and back, the foundation gave it another 40 thousand rubles.

In the center of the children stayed from January 20 to February 4. A few days before the discharge, the woman began to decide how to travel to Moscow and called the airport.

  • RIA News
  • © Maxim Bogodvid

“I was told that I need to get permission for the flight, so I need to provide certificates from the center. They said that the airline may not give the go-ahead, and I was frightened. The permit came the next day, but we were told that, since Maxim was lying, according to the airline's rules, we need to install a stretcher in the cabin. To do this, you have to fold three rows of seats, and we need to pay for nine seats. And Matthew has one leg plastered and does not bend. Again: the child must acquire additional space. As a result, for four people we were told to buy 13 tickets, ”said Natalya, without specifying who else accompanied her on the trip.

In total, the woman was offered to pay more than 63 thousand rubles, of which most of them fell on the flight of a lying Maxim. Only with the help of parents who began to collect money, Zagumennaya still managed to eventually collect the required amount.

“I had to go on the terms of the company, there was no other way out - we had a return ticket from Moscow to Khabarovsk,” said Natalia.

A source in the UK, familiar with the course of the audit, told RT that the data on the forced purchase of 13 tickets by the mother did not quite correspond to reality.

According to the interlocutor, since the start of the inspection in Kurgan, representatives of the airline, the airport of the medical center where the children were located were questioned, requests and assignments were sent, in particular to a charitable foundation.

“The situation at the moment is as follows. A woman in order to get from Moscow to Kurgan and back was allocated 40 thousand rubles. On the way there she spent 24 thousand. Despite the fact that the remaining funds were not enough, she decided to fly back on the plane. And in the end she had to collect additional funds. 40 thousand rubles is not the cost of additional tickets, but the fare of this airline for the transportation of one lying passenger. I don’t want to accuse anyone here, but she was obviously not given enough money for the road, ”he said.

“Maybe the airline is not right about something when setting such tariffs, it may be the fault of social services, which did not take into account the peculiarities of the transportation of bedridden passengers, this will have to be resolved,” the source said.

The airline itself complained that no one had warned UTair in advance about the transportation of a handicapped child.

“The Russian Children's Fund and other social services, unfortunately, did not contact the airline to discuss the conditions for the safe transportation of disabled children. Funds and social services should worry in advance about the special conditions of transportation: clarify conditions with airlines and warn passengers of low mobility passengers about them, ”the carrier said in an official statement.

They also explained that for the safety of the flight of low-mobility citizens, the airline is obliged to install special stretchers in the cabin to eliminate the threat to the health of the passenger during turbulence, take-off and landing.

“The stretcher weighs 140 kg and the airline takes time to install and fix them in the cabin. In addition, before departure at the airport, an accompanying and slow-moving passenger may face a shortage of seats in the cabin or an increased price for transportation, if the social services did not warn them in advance about the special conditions of transportation, ”the press service said.

Commented on the scandalous story and in the regional Social Security Fund, which initially had to pay for a trip to the operation. There, in fact, local officials were accused of the current situation.

“The representative of the children, mother Natalya Z., having received the documents for registration of free travel to the place of treatment and back, did not apply for the service to the Khabarovsk branch of the Social Insurance Fund. When we learned about the situation from the media, we immediately contacted Natalia Z. to find out why she did not apply for the services she was entitled to. Natalya, in a conversation with the head of the department of sanatorium-resort treatment Tatiana Yudaeva, said that when she received the package of documents required for processing a free travel in the Ministry of Health of the Khabarovsk Territory, she did not apply to the FSS for providing travel, as she was informed by the FSS there are no government contracts for travel in 2019. This information is unreliable, ”the foundation said in a statement.

They also noted that it would not be possible to return the money spent to Natalia, “as the legislative acts do not provide for compensation payments”. However, the situation was connected to the regional ministry of social protection, where options for helping Natalia are now being considered.

His check after the treatment of Natalia Zagumennoy beginning and Kurgan transport prosecutor's office.

“It follows from the appeal that the mother of many children was returning home with two of her disabled children at the age of 7 years after the operations he performed at the Federal State Budgetary Institution“ RRC “WTO named after G.A. Ilizarov. In order to transport a recumbent child, she needed to purchase 9 air tickets of PJSC UTair Aviation on the Kurgan - Moscow route, as well as an additional ticket for the second child. On the instructions of the Ural Transport Prosecutor, on the same day, an inspection was carried out on the fulfillment by the air carrier and Kurgan airport of consumer protection legislation in the provision of services to passengers with disabilities and flight safety legislation, ”the statement reads.

The official representative of the region's transport prosecutor's office, Elena Krymskaya, explained to RT that the mother of two children had applied to the office through the Internet reception. They are not ready to comment on the situation in the department in more detail.