Teller Report

“Why do they need our children?”: A Russian was detained in Poland who was trying to take his daughters home from Sweden

4/3/2019, 6:32:41 PM

In Warsaw, the Russian Denis Lisov was detained, who was trying to take out his underage daughters to their homeland. RT managed to get in touch with Lisov's sister. According to the woman, the family moved to Sweden in 2012 from Khabarovsk. Two years later, the spouse was seriously ill and went to the hospital. In 2017, the Swedish guardianship bodies seized the children from their father, since he allegedly could not cope with the responsibilities for their upbringing, and transferred them to a foster Muslim family. How the children were again with his father is unknown. However, his lawyer said that after his arrest, Lisov sought political asylum in Poland in order to protect himself from the actions of the Swedish authorities.

Polish border guards detained Khabarovsk-born Denis Lisov in Warsaw, who was trying to take his three daughters to Russia.

Flight to Russia

According to Vladislav Vybornov, Counselor at the Russian Embassy in Poland, Lisov was traveling with his children to Moscow from Sweden through Warsaw. According to the diplomat, the man did not have Russian documents with him, he had a certificate of return.

“On April 1, Polish border guards detained the family of a citizen of Russia - a father and three of his children of four, six and 12 years old. He previously lived in Sweden. The mother of the children went to the hospital. Due to the fact that his father allegedly could not cope with the care of children, they were given to a foster family of Muslims, people from Lebanon, ”the diplomat said.

In turn, Lisov’s lawyer Bartosh Lewandowski said that after his arrest his client had sought asylum in Poland, fearing the actions of the Swedish authorities.

“On Tuesday, a request was made for refugee status, as he needs protection from the Swedish authorities. If there is a dramatic violation of the rights of the family, Poland stands up for her defense, ”said Lewandowski.

Another lawyer Lisova, Babken Khanzadzyan explained to journalists that the court will examine all the documents.

“It’s hard to say which verdict the court will pass. But Denis and his children intend to prove that they are a family and cannot be separated. In an alien foster Muslim family, Christian children did not feel safe. They cried and feared, ”says Khanzadzyan.

The situation is connected with the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland, as well as the Polish Children's Ombudsman. As Lisov himself told reporters, he had to spend the first night after his arrest with the children at the border service department.

“It was very hard for children. It was a place for illegal immigrants. I could not even feed my daughters, ”said the father.

According to the man, he is grateful that journalists and diplomats quickly responded to his problem. Thanks to the intervention of the Russian embassy, ​​Lisov was not separated from his children before the trial, as he was not deprived of parental rights.

It is worth noting that the adoptive parents after the detention of the Russians also arrived in Poland. However, the children were not given them.

“We miss so much”

RT was able to communicate with relatives of the family. As Natalya Shastina, the sister of Lisov's wife, Tatyana, said, the family left for Sweden back in 2012.

“They dreamed of living closer to Germany and simply set us in front of the fact that they were leaving. Tatyana was then pregnant with the second child. We haven't seen each other for seven years, we only talked on the phone. She told that she was engaged in raising children, and Denis was working. They studied Swedish, and everything was fine with them. There was no conflict with anyone. Tanya said that friends often come to visit them and she bakes cakes for them, ”says RT Shastina.

According to her, in 2014, Tatiana became seriously ill. In the fall of 2017, guardianship came to the Lisovs and, for whatever reason, took the children away. Subsequently, the daughters were transferred to the Arab family. At the same time, neither Denis nor Tatyana were deprived of parental rights.

Shastin claims that all this time the parents tried to bring the children back to the family and were shocked by the actions of the Swedish juvenile justice bodies.

“My sister had a panic: she called me and did not understand why it happened. Denis tried by all means to return the children, but no one moved. The whole procedure was very long. They imposed some stringent requirements. Why is the guardianship so caught up in them? Why do they need our children? ”- Shastin wonders.

As the woman told, a few days ago Denis called her with the children and said that he would fly home on April 1, called the time of the flight. As the children were with him, the man did not explain.

“The children then said that they really wanted to go to Russia, and in that family they were very bad. We were glad that they were returning, we missed them very much, ”recalls Natalya.

However, later Denis did not get in touch, and then the relatives suspected that something was wrong, and then they learned from the news that Denis and his three daughters were detained.

According to the relative, the whole family is now very worried about the Lisovs and hopes that they will soon return to Khabarovsk with their children.