Teller Report

“We were able to create certain problems for the opponent”: what Cherchesov and Martinez said after the match Belgium - Russia

3/22/2019, 4:14:21 AM

Russian national team players were not noticeably weaker than the opponent in the opening qualifying match of the 2020 European Championship. This was announced at a press conference by the head coach Stanislav Cherchesov. He admitted that he was not going to "arrange the dressing" for his charges, and said that he was preventing his team from competing on equal terms with the strongest teams in the world. In turn, the Belgian mentor Roberto Martinez praised the performance of Eden Azar and noted that there is not much difference between the teams in the class.

In Brussels, the Russian team held the first match in the qualifying tournament for the 2020 European Championships at the Rua Baudouin Stadium. Wards of Stanislav Cherchesov could not interrupt an unsuccessful series in the confrontation with the Belgians, losing with the score 1: 3. In their history, Russian footballers have never prevailed in matches against the “red devils” - they tied once and suffered four defeats.

" Now you need to rectify the situation"

After the meeting, Cherchesov explained what caused the defeat of the Belgian team, commented on the criticism against the 35-year-old Zenit defender Yuri Zhirkov, and also said under what condition Russian football players can compete on equal terms with the strongest teams on the planet.

- Does the match with Belgium relate to those after which you wanted to raze in the locker room?

“You should never do that.” Today we saw an interesting match. The game kept the fans in suspense. Something we managed, something - no. In quick attacks, the Belgians are very dangerous. Today we have allowed them several times to carry out such jerks, which led to the defeat. Splinters sometimes happen, but today the players do not need to explain the reason for the failure. They themselves know everything. Now you need to rectify the situation.

- Can you comment on the second goal of the Belgian team?

- Not. I need to revise this episode, after which I will be able to conduct a detailed analysis. Now I will say something that is not completely sure, but tomorrow it will be in the newspapers. Then you can’t take back the words.

- How to evaluate the actions of Alexander Golovin in the episode with the removal in the end of the meeting?

- I did not see why he received a second yellow card. Did he shrug? Not yet managed to talk to him. Now Golovin is very upset. We will talk with him tomorrow and decide what actions we will take.

- Considering his disqualification, are you going to call another player to the national team?

- Perhaps we can do without it.

- After the match, Yuri Zhirkov was subjected to harsh criticism from fans. Is it true that the Zenit footballer played badly in the match with Belgium?

- We are glad that the fans were closely watching our performance and have their own opinion. We will calmly see the meeting and analyze the actions of each. With regard to the episode from the penalty spot, I can not say whether there was a violation in fact. We are pleased that Zhirkov is in the team. This is another combat unit that is capable of demonstrating a quality game.

- How to evaluate the debut of Ilzat Akhmetov in the national team?

- Basically, I am satisfied. We know how it works. In this match, he played almost the same position as in the club. I had a fairly good meeting. This time he managed to make some less exacerbating shows than usual, but I congratulated both him and Fyodor Chalov on his debut.

- In the second half, you alternately released Chalov, and later Fyodor Smolov, on the field. What did you want to achieve with these replacements?

- The goal was to go to the scheme with two center forward. We needed to take the ball, we thought that two fresh players would help solve this problem. But if in defense we looked good, then in the attack we could not carry out our plans. It should be noted that it is very difficult to enter such a match. I can not say that Chalov and Smolov managed to strengthen the game team.

- Have you thought of switching to a game with two central defenders?

- In this case, we would be even more difficult.

- The goal of Denis Cheryshev was the result of the mistake of the Belgian goalkeeper Thibault Curtois. Indication of pressing the goalkeeper "Real" is associated with his uncertain work with the ball?

- Not. The pressure on the opponent was to help us get into the game and not let the Belgians feel that they were masters of the situation. Perhaps Courtois's mistake was an accident, but our plan worked. Of course, it is physically impossible to provide such pressure throughout the 90 minutes.

- For this match, the impression is that the Russian team is seriously inferior to the opponent in the class. What needs to be done so that she fights on equal terms with the strongest national teams of the world?

- I do not think that we were weaker. The Belgians played at home, but we were able to create certain problems for the opponent. To look like at the World Championships, I need to work with the team for a month. Having a limited time for training, we try to focus on club ligaments. For example, on the right flank we mainly had CSKA players.

- What changes occur after a month of working with the team?

- Everyone knows their maneuvers, connections are established, and players are in the same physical condition. Otherwise, the individual skill of athletes becomes a key factor. A month of joint training allows you to level the difference in class.

"Stanislav Cherchesov created an efficient team"

The coach of the Belgian national team, Roberto Martinez, paid tribute to his rival. He noted that a number of high-class football players are playing in the national team of Russia. In addition, he commented on the mistake of Thibault Courtois, which led to the goal of Denis Cheryshev, and admired the game of Eden Azar.

- Are you satisfied with today's performance of the Belgian team?

- Of course. This meeting showed the fruits of our three-year work, and its result was the promise for those players who leave Belgium too early and go to foreign clubs. Leander Dendonker and Jüri Tielemans grew up in the championship of their country, repeatedly received a call to the national team, but they did not often join the team. I am glad that today they both performed successfully.

- Are you surprised that Eden Azar has been performing at the highest level for so many years?

- His constancy is admirable. Do not take this for granted. Azar is an incredible talent that allows his team to achieve results. He is great in defense, and in the work with the ball he has almost no equal in the world.

- How do you comment on the missed goal and the whole team play in their half of the field?

- I would like to note that in the defense we acted at a high level. Goals happen in football. In that episode of Courtois, about five opponents were pressed. But after this mistake he got together and proved that he is the best goalkeeper in the world.

- How to evaluate the game Dedric Boyates in the center of defense?

- He is a very strong and fast defender. We knew that Artem Dzyuba would play the position of the center forward of the opponent. Boyata very well resisted him and won most of the martial arts. In addition, there are a number of cool players in their composition: Akhmetov, Golovin, Cheryshev.

- Thomas Vermalen could also appear in the center of defense. Why did they bet on Boyatu?

- More recently, Vermelen suffered an injury. We did not want him to play in two games in a row. We will use his experience in meeting with Cyprus.

- What is known about the condition of Romelu Lukaku?

- It quickly recovers. In the morning we will make a decision on his participation in the game with Cyprus.

- How far is the Russian team far from playing at the same high level as the Belgian teams?

- I do not think that Belgium is seriously superior to the Russian team in the class. Stanislav Cherchesov did a great job, created an efficient team. This is a very flexible team that can play both in two and in three central defenders. At the home world championship, Russians beat the Spaniards, and they came here not to serve the number.