Teller Report

“We must think with our heads when you give birth to people with disabilities”: tenants of a Moscow house broke down a ramp set for a child with cerebral palsy

1/24/2019, 3:37:12 PM

The TFR began a pre-investigation check after a ramp for a disabled child was broken in one of the capital high-rises. Earlier, the boy’s mother said that after installing the ramp, she had a conflict with neighbors who openly expressed discontent. Post women in social networks attracted the attention of the general public and the media. RT managed to communicate with the woman and find out the details of the incident.

The Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in Moscow began a pre-investigation check in connection with information published in social networks and the media about the violation of the rights of a disabled child.

“From the information message it follows that in one of the residential buildings on Aviamotornaya Street in Moscow, where a family with a disabled child lives, disgruntled neighbors broke down a ramp at the entrance set by the management company specifically for the child. It also reports on the inaction of law enforcement officers, to whom parents have turned for help, ”the department’s website explains.

Investigators will conduct activities aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. Based on the results of the audit, a procedural decision will be made, added to the SC

The reason for the response from the law enforcement agencies was a post on Facebook on the page of the Moscow City Association of Parents of Disabled Children (MGARDI) user Vitaly Navadnichenay, in which she describes the situation. She said that according to her statement a ramp had been made at the entrance to the staircase to the elevator and the ramp-hill at the entrance to the staircase.

"Less than a month, as the good tenants of the entrance, they poured the latch of a folding ramp on the same day, they punctured me on the bus ... Neighbors began to attack, someone voiced his displeasure “why the hell did I install a ramp here”, someone screamed in my face “I had to think with my head when you gave birth to disabled people” ... There is not a lot of pleasant things ... But today ( with a son in another country for rehabilitation) a ramp was torn off with its roots ... ”.

Vitalia told RT that her family had just recently moved to Aviamotornaya's house, 30 in Moscow - attracted the place by the neighborhood of the specialized school No. 1321 “Ark” with very good reviews from the parents of the students, as well as the kindergarten.

However, Navadnichenite lacked a ramp in the stairwell for their disabled son. In total they have three sons. The average, he is now 6 years old, from childhood cerebral palsy is ill and confined to a wheelchair.

The entrance to the house is quite high, and it is problematic to lift the stroller yourself, especially alone. To install the ramp Vitaly Navadnichayte, appealed to the local state budgetary institution "Zhilischnik". According to her, the design was installed very quickly, even before the answer came by mail.

With the advent of a ramp against a woman and her disabled son, harassment began on the part of some neighbors. At first, according to Vitaly, there were simple hails and threats, then it came to property damage: Vitali was punctured by a car tire, and then someone pulled down a ramp at the entrance. Vitalia herself was at that moment abroad with her son during rehabilitation procedures and learned about the incident from a friend, whom she asked to follow the younger son.

In MGARDI, where Navadnichayte addressed, they offered their help to Vitalia in the comments under her post, but so far she has not contacted them. The organization explained to RT that without formal appeal, they could not say anything about the situation, otherwise it would be an invasion of privacy.

In the Ark, the situation has not yet commented on the situation, noting that her husband, who remained with his two sons in Moscow, is talking to journalists and the police.

The woman herself is afraid that her neighbors will become even more angry after the appearance of publications in the media and the visit of law enforcement officers, and even forbade her eldest son to leave the house alone. According to her, the persecution could after the daughter of one of the residents tripped over a ramp and received a bruise.

“At first everything was fine, but how these ramps were set up began. As I wrote, at first the filth began to speak. There are several such neighbors, we live on the third, these are higher, but I don’t know their names and contacts. This is about three people, maybe a little more. At first, the man yelled at me, he just shouted: "We must think with our heads when you give birth to the disabled." And by car, I am sure, they deliberately let the tires down, such “coincidences” do not happen, so that on one day “accidentally” and with a ramp trouble and with a car, ”Navadnichanite said.

According to Vitali, she tried to resolve the issue peacefully and without scandals. Now a temporary ramp is installed at the entrance, the broken ramp is being searched for.

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