Teller Report

“The Fighting Angel” by Robert Rodriguez and the film “Quartet I”: what to watch in the cinema at the weekend

2/16/2019, 12:48:49 PM

On weekends, an action movie by James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez, a romantic comedy with Roman Kurtsyn in the lead role and the Russian adaptation of Ideal Strangers with the Quartet I will be seen at the cinemas. Also on the screens: the Oscar-nominated film, the film winner of the Cannes Film Festival and the second full meter of Louis Garrel. On the main movie premieres of Russian hire this week - in the material RT.

"Alita: Battle Angel" (Alita: Battle Angel)

The story of the creation of "Alita" is almost as interesting as the film itself. At first, Guillermo del Toro became interested in the Yukito Kisiro manga about a combat robot. He talked about the idea of ​​filming a fairy tale to James Cameron, and he also liked it very much. However, Cameron was unable to start shooting: he made a choice in favor of the new parts of Avatar. Then another famous American director Robert Rodriguez came to his aid. The creator of the "City of Sins" subdued Cameron, putting in order a massive (and extremely flowery) draft of the script, after which he received permission to shoot.

The film takes place in the distant future. An elderly scientist finds a robot girl in a landfill. Cyborg does not remember who she is and what happened to her, but she really wants to find out. At the same time, someone powerful and dangerous is beginning to hunt the robot ...

"Seven Dinners"

Eugene (Roman Kurtsyn) and Alyona (Polina Maximova) lived together for five years. As it turns out - unlucky: otherwise how to explain that one fine day Alena decides to file for divorce? It is at this moment that Eugene, as is often the case in marriage, realizes that the family must be kept at any cost. The young man comes up with a cunning adventure and presents it to his companion under the guise of supposedly scientific methods for restoring relations. Alena promises to have dinner with her still-spouse seven times, and every evening will be held in a not quite usual setting.

According to the director Kirill Pletnyov (“Burn it!”, “Without me”), the genre of his new film can be defined as a romcom. “This genre somehow bypassed us. In my opinion, we only had “Love in a big city” in this genre. So when I got the script, it seemed interesting to me. The audience is much harder to make laugh than cry, as it turns out. For me, this was a challenge, a challenge defined, ”he said in an interview with RT.


“Speakerphone” is an adaptation of one of the most successful Italian films of the latest tapes - Paolo Genovese’s comedy “Ideal Strangers”. In their own way, Genovese was recaptured in many countries, including Spain, France and China. Two years later, the turn came to Russia - the well-known Quarte I was involved in processing foreign material. The couples to the team members - Kamil Larin, Alexander Demidov, Leonid Barats and Rostislav Khaitu - were Irina Gorbacheva, Maria Mironova, Anastasia Ukolova and Veronika Kornienko.

The plot of "Connection" is not much different from the original. Some storylines are changed, and the jokes are adapted for Russian realities, but the main thing is always the same: friends gathered at dinner, as in the Italian comedy of 2015, pledge to read out the messages that came to them and answer calls only via speakerphone.


Drama Nadine Labaki managed to enter the number of Oscar nominees from Lebanon, and the film has everything to take the statuette in the category “Best film in a foreign language”. Namely - a pronounced social issues, an unusual, but immaculate presentation and, of course, a non-trivial plot. All these advantages have already brought Labaki wins in almost twenty film festivals, including the jury prize at Cannes.

The plot is built around an unusual legal process: a 12-year-old Lebanese boy named Zayn accuses his parents of giving life to him, thereby forcing him to live in terrible poverty without the slightest prospect of a bright future. Initially, the behavior of the hero may seem stupid, but viewers begin to believe that Zayn is, why get angry when his father forbids the boy to study or woo his beloved younger sister for an adult man. It is noteworthy that all the actors who played in this film were found by a film crew on the street.


Hayka, like Kapernaum, claimed the Oscar - the picture was nominated for a prize from Kazakhstan, but it did not go further than the short list. Nevertheless, the tape brought its creators no less valuable reward: the leading female Samal Yeslyamova received the prize for the best female role at the last Cannes festival. Director of "Aiki" Sergey Dvortsevoy in an interview with RT emphasized that he would like to receive an Oscar, but the Cannes festival has always been a priority for him.

Hayka is a young migrant who came to work in Moscow. At nights she studies the textbook, dreaming of starting her own business, and during the day she works for wear in the stuffy capital cellars. Hayka is alone in Moscow - her friends and relatives stayed in Kyrgyzstan, so she has no one to turn to when she finds herself in a difficult situation: at the same time, the girl makes a huge amount of money for dangerous people, loses her job and becomes a mother. Ike sees no other way out than to escape from the hospital without a child.

Honest man (L'homme fidele)

In his second full-length directorial work, Louis Garrel continues to reflect on a favorite topic - the relationship between a man and a woman. The protagonist - the same “honest man” performed by, again, Garrel - hesitates between two beauties in love with him. One of them (the daughter of Vanessa Paradis and Johnny Depp, Lily-Rose Depp) is young and flighty, the other (Laetitia Casta) is older and calmer, but it is possible that she killed her previous spouse.

The “freshness” rating of a picture on Rotten Tomatoes is only 60%, but it’s better not to believe these numbers: American critics rarely cannot always appreciate French cinema. So Christoph Honore's musical “All songs are about love only” (by the way, with the omnipresent Garrel in the lead role) was nominated for “Golden Palm” and “Cesar”, however in the American press received cool reviews (the same 61% on Rotten Tomatoes ). In fact, the one and the other picture would be worth giving a higher assessment - at least for the atmosphere and a great acting game.