Teller Report

«The joy of a homeland»

1/23/2019, 10:05:12 PM

- The joy of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, and his presence in the United Arab Emirates against Kyrgyzstan, was indeed a joy of a homeland. Elected in m

- The joy of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, and his presence in the United Arab Emirates against Kyrgyzstan, was indeed a joy of a homeland. In the final of the Asian Cup, which ended Emirati to qualify for the White House to meet Australia in the quarterfinals.

The homeland deserves the sacrifice, and we Emiratis have to do our best for this country that has given us so much and we still have to give back. In the world of football we have to sacrifice in order to reach the goal, and our players have to delight our leadership and the masses.

- The presence of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, shows that the leadership closely follows the championship and the team, and we whiten the face so that everyone is happy, and in the «Social Media» the world broadcast pictures and videos sitting «Bukhald» with the masses and its interaction with the game and goals, The match ended with our qualification.

It is true that the performance has developed relatively, but we need great work and correct the defensive mistakes that are considered a headache for us. With Zaccheroni nothing has changed because the same names with Mehdi Ali and Zaccheroni, generally the treatment will be present before the game of Australia, and everyone should be aware that standing behind the team duty and encouraged duty, and if there is criticism to leave him after the tournament.

- Our fans have the support and the lack of criticism, because we are in front of a new turn and the team of Australia does not go through the best technical cases, and we have to come to support and encourage and motivate the players throughout the game, as we used to attend the masses behind the team, do not skimp as you fuel this team Ahzijkm and Trabkm.

And officials have to call the old stars and trainers and citizens of the achievements, especially the heroes of inspiration because this role is lacking in my view, and there may be imperfections, and there is plenty of time to give back to people who have done much to UAE sports, and we need them, especially at this time we have Collective presence and cohesion behind the UAE White.

- The victory of Yaqoub Al-Saadi as the best Arab sports media is our win, "Bonoaf" is a great media asset that has provided much to the UAE media, which is the best Arab media, deserves recognition, and keeping it away from the Asian event is a loss for us all. And the God of the intent behind.

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