Teller Report

«Streets of the world» .. Human continuation in the street Sword

1/21/2019, 10:06:20 PM

Scenes from everyday life in the streets. The exhibition was organized by the Dubai Culture and Arts Authority in cooperation with Dubai Chamber and the Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award, entitled "Streets of the World" , Which launched, first of

Scenes from everyday life in the streets. The exhibition was organized by the Dubai Culture and Arts Authority in cooperation with Dubai Chamber and the Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award, entitled "Streets of the World" , Which began yesterday, yesterday, along the Seef Street in Dubai. The world's longest exhibition highlights the details of simple life in the streets of cities, moving between popular alleys, vegetable markets and tourist areas, and then moving on to other scenes that reflect the concepts of happiness and friendship. It is based on the axiom of photography, .

The Dutch photographer started the street photography project in 2009, choosing to travel around the world to present the positive side of humanity. He visited 295 cities. Dubai is a place where different nationalities work side by side to form a unique city. "The idea was crystallized through my work in the daily press and magazines. Through my vision of many negative events happening around the world, I found that it is possible that There are a lot of positives that need to be highlighted, especially those that reflect humanity. " He noted that for him this project was an attempt to find a balance, which was largely absent from the media. On the topics he chose for the pictures, he noted that he focused on the people who do some work, in every street there is what happens in the place, and people in a permanent movement. As for his relationship with his mother and her support for the project, he noted that he was in constant state of concern for him during the seven years, explaining that he has a lot of pictures of his mother, because the position of women in society makes it a distinctive theme for photography.

Acting Director-General of the Dubai Culture and Arts Authority, Said Al Naboodah, told Emirates Today: "We met with the artist a year ago, after he showed us his book, which took pictures to be published, and his dream was to present the world's tallest exhibition. Through communication with the parties that will support the project to be implemented ». "We have developed a special competition that reflects the spirit of Dubai and trade in Dubai, because we wanted to have an interaction with the exhibition and a role for photographers in Dubai. The competition was attended by about 1500 participants." He added that the exhibition will move to other international cities, including London and Belgium, which will host and supervise the exhibition, adding that the exhibition reflects the concept of tolerance in Dubai. He stressed that the organization and support of the exhibition stems from the mission of consolidating the city's status as one of the world's leading art capitals, encouraging and inspiring young people in the UAE and the region, and providing them with an ideal platform to highlight their talents.

The Director General of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hamad Buamim, said during the press conference that the exhibition is an address for humanity and culture and a sign of the common denominators that bring together all cultures and civilizations around the world. , Which the UAE represents globally, which are fundamental values ​​in a society of more than 200 nationalities, living together in harmony and love. "Dubai Creek is an ideal venue to host this event, because it is one of the most important historical and cultural landmarks of the city, reflecting the spirit of the world and its vibrant rays. Today we are reviewing a history of the lives of these cities and photo owners." He pointed out that the interest in the photo exhibition and competition, is a message that the picture is a universal language, combining hearts and minds.

first place

The winner of the Dubai Spirit Competition, Ola Al-Luz, won first place in the traditional dance team of the UAE, and presented the picture to us: "The picture was taken in 2014 and has won nine awards today, For the hospitality, as it needed a certain angle that enables me to pick up the band Elayala, to take their shadow with the buildings, and without any presence in the picture ». She pointed out that she began filming in 2007, and presented a series of exhibitions, in addition to dealing with institutions and exhibitions. On the subject of tolerance, she noted that it is possible to reflect this concept through a daily image in Dubai, with different nationalities. Tolerance is not a single year, it is a lifelong concept.

Saeed Al Naboodah:

«The exhibition reflects

The concept of tolerance

In Dubai, and its status

World ».

Gerwin Solves:

«(Project) attempt

To find a balance, that

Miss the means

Media ».