Teller Report

«Dubai Ambulance» launches the first electric bicycle for emergency intervention

2/21/2019, 10:09:48 PM

Dubai Municipality has launched the first electric ambulance as part of its plans to turn its fleet into environmentally friendly vehicles. The bike is used for rapid intervention and immediate response to emergency communications, especially during peak times and congestion areas.

Dubai Ambulance Foundation has launched its first electric ambulance as part of its plans to transform its fleet into environmentally friendly vehicles.

The bike is used for rapid intervention and immediate response to emergency communications, particularly during peak times and congestion areas, according to Khalifa Bin Dray, the company's executive director, who confirmed that the new bike will be based in the Zabeel area.

"The launch of the bike comes within the framework of the Foundation's plans to adopt modern technologies to enhance its services and to implement the principles of sustainable development in various activities," he said. "The speed of the bike is 158 km / h. Km, and its strength is 60 horsepower.

He explained that the bike does not generate noise and does not produce exhaust and does not generate heat, and the biggest challenge is timely access to the patient's aid beyond the hustle, which is a simple task on this type of bicycles.

Ben Dray announced that the launch of the electric bike is the first step within the plan to generalize the experiment. The Foundation will launch the electric car next year. He pointed out that the company agreed with the German company «Vaz», the manufacturer of the electric car, to supply the first batch to be present during «Expo 2020» .