Teller Report

«Chocolate» integrate the mentally disabled in the labor market

1/19/2019, 10:08:02 PM

Wafaa Hamad Bin Sulaiman, Director of the Welfare and Rehabilitation Department of the Ministry of Community Development, announced the success of the Tasnim project in achieving the full and confident integration of the stakeholders in the labor market, stressing that the project for the production of chocolate has produced positive results

Director of the Welfare and Rehabilitation Department of the Ministry of Community Development, Wafa Hamad Bin Sulaiman, announced the success of the Tasnim project in achieving the full and confident integration of the stakeholders in the labor market, stressing that the project dedicated to the production of chocolate has produced positive results, Of people with intellectual disabilities and integrating them into society.

Bin Sulaiman said to «Emirates Today»: «The workshop (Tasnim) is a project qualitatively and pioneer embraced by the center of care and rehabilitation of the owners of concern in Fujairah, of the ministry», adding that «the implementation of the project by students of the owners of the mentally handicapped, To produce and manage the work in the workshop, which deals with the manufacture of luxury chocolate with flavors that rival the quality of the most important types of chocolate brands known ». "Female students play important roles, multiple production stages and reach the target product."

She added that «the project seeks to highlight the capabilities of students of the owners of the inspiration and employment and development in the productive work, in order to change the community perception towards the work of girls with intellectual disabilities, and support the transition of this category of stakeholders from the stage of dependency to the reality of productivity, which reflects positively on the students themselves And their families, through the acquisition of many of the characteristics and personality traits and social and vital and required in the process of integration and empowerment, development and rehabilitation ».

"People with intellectual disabilities generally tend to have simple, uncomplicated routine routines that do not require much mental effort," said Ben Sulaiman. "This is the work of the Tasnim project, which is being implemented through incremental steps towards success and excellence in stages Production work ».

"The project focuses on empowering and empowering students to provide students with the opportunity to work on their own. The teacher should remain in the Department of Direct Observation of Female Students to support their motivation, enhance their skills, and advance their practical abilities."

She added that "the Tasnim project is following up the mission of promoting the concept and sustainable motivation by encouraging students of interest in interacting with them during various activities, such as the morning line, in addition to taking care to present the workshop and production mechanisms and products within the activities of the Center for Care and Rehabilitation Who are interested in Fujairah, as well as providing the opportunity and opportunities for students to be able to create various mixes and new forms of chocolate ».

She pointed out that the size of the benefit of the idea varies depending on the capabilities of each student, and that there are students who really mastered the stages of the chocolate industry with the least amount of assistance by the teacher, noting that the project, "Tasnim" has achieved a great response by girls who are inspired Who are very enthusiastic about continuing to work there.

She stressed that there are positive psychological effects on the students, reflected in their strong desire to work hard and perseverance, and feeling that they are products and able to give after they saw the products themselves on the ground and thus raise the level of confidence in their own, after being able to play the role required of them In the framework of collective action.

Multiple skills

Wafa Hamad Bin Sulaiman highlighted a range of skills acquired by students, including personal hygiene, cleanliness of the place, tools and tools, as well as dealing with devices and tools, packaging and coordination of dishes, as well as marketing skills.

Individual Plan

According to Wafaa Hamad Bin Sulaiman, Director of the Welfare and Rehabilitation Department of the Ministry of Community Development, the process of training in the Tasnim project is carried out in accordance with an individual training plan for each student according to her abilities and abilities. To subordinate sub-tasks, in which each or more of the students will be assigned a task depending on the degree of qualification.

On the mechanisms of work and training of students in the workshop, Ben Sulaiman explained that "Initially, the students are divided into groups according to abilities. The supervisors of the project provide training aids such as photographs, video recordings, magazines and other work tools. .