Teller Report

[SBS LIVE] Choi Jeong-ho, Minister of Land Transport

3/25/2019, 1:38:23 AM

The National Land Transportation Committee will hold a hearing today on candidates for the Minister of Land, Transport and Tourism. At the hearing today, lawmakers of the ruling and opposition parties are expected to focus on the morality of candidates' apartments and the suspicion of investment in technology, including 'gap investment'.

The National Land Transport and Traffic Committee will hold a hearing on the candidates for the Minister of Land, Transport and Tourism, Choi Jeong-ho, today (May 25).

At the hearing today, lawmakers of the ruling and opposition parties are expected to focus on the morality of candidates' apartments and the suspicion of investment in technology, including 'gap investment'.

Choi was criticized for having two houses including Jamsil-dong, Songpa-gu, Jamsil-dong and 84 square meters of Bundang-dong Jeongja-dong, and one penthouse house for the apartment being built in Banggok-dong, Sejong City, .

Especially, in the case of Bundang apartment, there is a suspicion that it is donated to a daughter and a wife just before being nominated as a minister,

We will broadcast the hearing live on SBS News.