Teller Report

"Yellow vests": a service of order to avoid breakage and "police violence"

1/12/2019, 7:18:52 PM

While violence enamels every Saturday demonstrations, & quot; yellow vests & quot; have decided to provide security themselves, as unions can do.

An order service of "yellow vests", white armband around the arm, Saturday ensured, for the first time, the security of the Paris demonstration to try to avoid confrontations and "police violence".

"As in the movement of yellow vests, we are of all social classes." The clashes around the Arc de Triomphe tarnished the manifestation of Act 9, which had previously passed through Paris without incident, from Bercy to the Place de l'Etoile, under the watchful eye of brand new "white armbands". "I volunteered (for the service of order), we're a quarantine officially, but we're more with those who did not want to give their name," says Anthony, 30. "As in the movement of yellow vests, we are of all social classes, men, women ...", said this former paratrooper, red military beret on the head.

"The objective is that it does not heat up, we get a stamp, we may take things (shots and projectiles, ed) but it will prevent all other protesters take," said Bryan, an employee in the 36 years old building.

>> LIVE - Follow act 9 of the "yellow vests" with us

Already 200 reports of police violence. On social networks, police violence has been fueling conversations for weeks. The General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) has received nearly 200 reports on its platform that allows individuals to alert the police of police violence. Since the beginning of the movement of "yellow vests", it is officially seized of 67 files by the judicial authority, according to a police source. Moreover, an investigation was also opened in Toulon after the broadcast on the social networks of a video showing a divisional commander punching several people in the face to a man against a wall, before other police intervene.