Teller Report

"We want to see significant progress of the players": how the ITF responded to criticism of tennis reform

2/23/2019, 12:36:53 PM

Executive Director of the International Tennis Federation (ITF) Jackie Nesbitt summed up the preliminary results of the reforms to transform the tennis tour. According to her, the division of the rating into two parts had a positive impact on young athletes. Earlier, a group of tennis players sent a collective letter to the ITF criticizing the innovations.

Almost three months have passed since the introduction of an additional tour for low-rated tennis players and juniors. Representatives of the International Tennis Federation (ITF) summed up the first results of the new system. Using the example of 20-year-old French tennis player Evan Furness, who in 2019 had already won two victories in ITF tournaments in China and Switzerland and significantly improved his position, executive director Jackie Nesbitt spoke about the positive impact of reforms on the future of sports.

“These results show that tennis players compete on their level and are competitive there. Our tour will allow the best athletes at the beginning of their careers to move faster and less expensive to the top, ”she said.

In accordance with the innovations, the ATP and WTA ratings consist respectively of 750 and 850 strongest tennis players. Players located in the table of ranks below are eligible to play in three categories of tournaments united by the ITF World Tennis Tour. Prizes for them range from $ 15 thousand to $ 100 thousand.

The new system is mainly aimed at providing juniors with a smoother transition to the professional tour. According to ITF representatives, participating in tournaments on a par with top-rated athletes, most of them had no opportunity to improve their positions and were content with only low positions throughout their careers.

In this regard, special attention is paid to the financial component of the reform. First, the performance in the new round will allow young players to start earning already in the early stages of the competition. Secondly, organizational costs will be significantly reduced. In addition, an increase in the number of tournaments will significantly expand tennis geography, and thus contribute to the popularization of this sport in different parts of the world.

“Previously, too many tennis players claimed the prize. But we want to see significant progress in their game. This will be one of the key indicators of the success of these reforms, ”Nesbitt added.

Another reason to create a new tour was the desire to limit tennis from questionable matches. Less successful athletes in the almost complete lack of funding often resorted to participate in the "contract". This is evidenced by studies conducted by the organization Tennis Integrity Unit (TIU).

According to Nesbitt, innovation will allow more players to earn a living.

“Most players feel bewildered, sad, and angry”

Despite the advantages called ITF, many criticize the new system.

Former 180th World No. Ana Vrlich sent a letter to the organization describing what exactly her and about 670 other tennis players are not comfortable with in the current situation. Croat identified eight key points requiring change.

In particular, the existence of two rounds and the lack of prospects in ATP and WTA among players with a low rating are criticized. Also, the statement that the financial situation of athletes should improve is also being questioned.

Vrlich concludes that representatives of the organization contradict themselves, not increasing the number of tennis players, but reducing it.

"We can not accept the new system, and at the moment most players feel bewildered ... Tennis is a sport that everyone can play in and everyone can beat everyone," the letter says.

Earlier, Canadian Maria Patrascu created an online petition with the requirements to change the rules. To date, more than 13 thousand people have joined the petition.

In addition, a page allegedly managed by Vrlich appeared on Facebook. On it, athletes, their coaches and parents of young people express their dissatisfaction with the activities of the ITF and innovations.

It is worth noting that not only low rated tennis players were against the reform. Ukrainian Sergey Stakhovsky, who occupies the 141st line of the world ranking, also criticized the actions of ITF.

“ITFs are behaving incorrectly and do not fulfill these promises. From the point of view of my own experience of communicating with an organization, I can say that this is an extremely slow, bureaucratic and in most cases ignorant organization. I believe that changes will follow in this season, ”wrote Stakhovsky on Facebook.

In addition, the Ukrainian promised that at the next meeting, the ATP players' council will discuss issues related to the new system.

In response to criticism, ITF representatives called Stakhovsky’s statements irresponsible and noted that it’s too early to draw any conclusions.