Teller Report

"The factor of high technology": what will be the modernized Russian tank T-90

2/16/2019, 10:30:33 PM

The export version of the upgraded T-90M tank will be presented at the international exhibition in Abu Dhabi IDEX 2019, which will open on February 17. About this told the general director of the Ural Transport Engineering Design Bureau Andrei Terlikov. According to him, the combat vehicle received a new system for conducting a “network-centric war”. At the same time, high reliability and ease of operation of the tank were preserved. Now the T-90 is the best-selling tank of the XXI century. Over the past 20 years, Russia has exported over 1.5 thousand units. In the coming years, hundreds of domestic tanks can buy India and Egypt.

Andrei Terlikov, general director of the Ural design bureau (KB) of transport engineering, told reporters that the export version of the T-90M (Breakthrough-3) tank will be presented at the IDEX 2019 international exhibition in Abu Dhabi (UAE) that opens on February 17. According to him, the combat vehicle received the most modern equipment, while maintaining high reliability and ease of operation.

The main feature of the T-90M is the unified tactical link management system (ESU TZ), developed by the Voronezh concern Constellation. It allows the tank to wage the so-called network-centric wars - fighting, which are characterized by the extensive use of information-switching network. Superiority over the enemy is achieved through the effective interaction of various forces and assets in the theater of operations (theater of operations).

“In practice, the ESU TZ assumes that the commander of a tank company or battalion can receive all the necessary information about the situation in the theater of operations. Data is instantly transmitted from UAVs, from headquarters, or from intelligence officers, who most often direct tanks to the target. As a rule, information about the situation is displayed on a computer screen, ”said Sergey Suvorov, candidate of military sciences, in an interview with RT.

  • Tank T-90 during shooting practice
  • Reuters
  • © Sergei Karpukhin

The expert is convinced that a single tactical unit control system will significantly increase the combat capabilities of the tank unit. Suvorov recalled that a similar complex was installed on the T-14 Armata, the world's first third-generation tank.

"Almost new tank"

Modernization of the T-90 took place in 2015-2018. Improve the tank helped including the experience gained during the Syrian campaign. In particular, Alexander Shevchenko, Head of the Main Automobile and Armored Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, spoke about this in September 2017.

“Of course, during the Syrian campaign, certain shortcomings of serial equipment were identified. However, in my opinion, the leading role in the Breakthrough-3 theme was played by the high-tech factor. The tasks of the Ural designers included ensuring quality superiority over foreign tanks - American Abrams, French Leclerc, German Leopard, South Korean K2 Black Panther, ”Suvorov said.

According to the expert, domestic experts have created a “practically new tank”. The T-90M is equipped with advanced communications equipment, armor, engines, automatic loading, fire control system, software and hardware complex, and a multichannel panoramic thermal sight.

The expert emphasized that the fire safety system in the T-90M was improved, and the ammunition was protected from damage by a stream of secondary fragments.

“If we talk about the protection of the tank as a whole, then it also became more perfect. Moreover, the Ural Design Bureau did without a significant increase in mass, ”said Suvorov.

The main focus of the designers was on the installation of universal dynamic protection (DZ) modules “Relic” developed by the Metropolitan Steel Research Institute. The complexes protect the hull, turret and side screens. "Relic" was developed on the basis of the Dynamic Protection System "Contact-5". Its key advantage over the previous version is a higher level of protection against the penetration of cumulative and sub-caliber ammunition. Another feature of the "Relic" is that the damaged modules in combat can be easily replaced with new ones.

Specialists also managed to increase the level of safety of the tank crew. Inhabited compartments of the car are covered from the inside with a special anti-shrapnel lining made of aramid-based fabric. The frontal projection of the T-90M can withstand hitting almost any modern ammunition. In addition, the developers were able to reduce the radar visibility of the tank several times compared with its base version.

  • Tanks of the Indian Army T-90
  • Reuters
  • © Adnan Abidi

“When creating a complex of additional means of protection, features of previous projects were taken into account. This resulted in a certain reduction in the weakened zones of additional protection, which positively affected the overall survivability of the equipment. In combination with active protection, all this should give a significant increase in real efficiency, ”says the materials of the manufacturer of the T-90“ Uralvagonzavod ”(Nizhny Tagil).

The T-90M has a 125-mm smooth-bore gun 2A46M-5 developed by “Plant №9” JSC (Ekaterinburg). Andrei Terlikov said that the characteristics of the gun were significantly improved, including the accuracy of fire and the survivability of the barrel.

In turn, Suvorov noted that the accuracy of hitting targets increased by 25-30%, and the effective range - by 15%.

To increase firepower and firing range, high-precision ammunition was included in the T-90M ammunition. In particular, Terlikov mentioned a new guided missile and a high-explosive fragmentation projectile with a programmable remote-controlled detonator.

"This tank is able to effectively conduct combat operations both in classic combat operations against high-tech enemy vehicles, and in conditions of local conflicts, in which there is no clearly defined contact line between the opposing sides, as well as in the conditions of mass use of various anti-tank weapons," -90M Terlikov.

Suvorov called the upgraded version of the T-90 "the best tank in the world in terms of combat performance, performance and market value." In his opinion, the domestic car left behind the latest modifications of Western analogues.

“Despite the increase in e-filling and the level of protection, the tank's mass does not exceed 50 tons. This means that the car retained its excellent handling characteristics and maneuverability. Western countries, for example, have taken the path of increasing mass and cost, creating many additional problems for themselves, ”the expert emphasized.

"Phenomenal success"

The T-90 is the most commercially successful tank in the last 20 years. Foreign states have acquired in Russia or have released under license over 1.5 thousand units. Currently, this combat vehicle is in service with eight countries of the world, including Russia (in the ranks - 350 tanks, 200 units - in storage).

According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), the Indian army has about 1 thousand T-90s. On the armament of the Algerian army is more than 360 tanks, Azerbaijan - about 100 units, Vietnam - 64. Several dozen different modifications of the T-90 are in the composition of the armed forces of Iraq, Syria, Turkmenistan and Uganda.

  • T-90 at the military base of the Iraqi Armed Forces
  • © Screenshot from Youtube Video

In November 2016, the Commission on Military Procurement of the Ministry of Defense of India approved the acquisition of a new batch of T-90 tanks. In the coming years, this country may purchase 464 sets for assembling T-90MS. According to foreign media reports, at the end of 2019 the licensed production of a domestic tank will unfold in Egypt. Cairo intends to assemble in its territory 400 T-90S / SK.

As Vladimir Kozhin, Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation on military-technical cooperation, noted earlier, Kuwait could become another customer. To date, the contract with this Arab country has not been signed, but the T-90 has been successfully tested at its test sites.

“The phenomenal success of the T-90 in the international market is the best evidence of its outstanding performance. It is popular because of its high reliability, unpretentiousness, maneuverability and firepower. It is an unsurpassed machine for use in local conflicts. In my opinion, in the foreseeable future, the Russian tank will retain the status of the most salable in the world, ”said Vadim Kozyulin, a professor at the Academy of Military Sciences, in an interview with RT.

The expert believes that the new export version of the T-90 will, as before, be in high demand in East Asia and the Middle East. The interlocutor of RT is confident that the Western competitors, primarily the USA, will oppose the advancement of the car to these markets. However, in his opinion, for the majority of current consumers the T-90 will remain the only alternative combat vehicle.

“Unfortunately, there are a considerable number of artificial obstacles for the export of our equipment. For example, in 2017, Saudi Arabia became interested in the T-90, but under pressure from the Americans, the contract was broken. Politics are now playing a redundant role, relegating the commercial factor to the background. Nevertheless, I have no doubt that the modernized T-90 has great prospects in the world market, ”concluded Kozyulin.