Teller Report

"Illegal footage - shared with the late sex trafficker"

4/24/2019, 2:12:57 AM

More than 15,000 civilians agreed in the two days since the National Civil Petition was filed to strictly investigate the Open KakaoTalk group chat rooms, some of which are known to have been shared with illegal footage and post-prostitution.

More than 15,000 civilians agreed in the two days since the National Civil Petition was filed to strictly investigate the Open KakaoTalk group chat rooms, some of which are known to have been shared with illegal footage and post-prostitution.

On August 22, the Cheong Wa Dae petition on the National People's Petition issued a petition asking "I strongly urge you to investigate a reporters group Kotobbang," which distributed illegal footage.

The petitioner said on the basis of an article in the media today that "reporters do not bang" prostitution service recommendation "which was reported on the 22nd of last day," based on the article that some corrupted reporters caused disbelief in the media (sexual violence) "It is necessary to punish those reporters who have participated in the detention of the party in accordance with the relevant laws."

The petitioner A, who had been in contact with the reporters, said, "The press has made a petition for forming public consensus by feeling like it is trying to conceal its own corruption rather than midnight." " To be trusted and correct corruption in society, it is necessary to conduct a rigorous investigation into reporters. "

Mr. A is reported to have been reported to the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency '

"I was told that the investigating officer was reporting to the upper section and that the police also had a considerable awareness of the issue," A added.

The media today said, "The reporters of the daily newspaper and the social media reporters were raised in domestic and overseas post-prostitution, and the illegal footage was distributed publicly in the one-room where the journalists belonging to the media were included in the open cacao chat group chat room. did.

The news reporter was reported to have been deleted after media coverage today.

(SBS funE Kang Kyung Yun)