Teller Report

"I told you I would commit suicide." What does the suicide tell us before it does?

3/24/2019, 5:17:22 PM

Dr.. Osama Abu Rab

Suicide is sad and depressing. It is a "permanent" act to deal with a temporary problem, but what makes suicide more miserable and depressing is that the suicide bomber leaves a small piece of paper in which he writes: "I told you I would commit suicide ... but you do not hear."

This idea came to my mind as I read yesterday a report that is supposed to be comic, showing tombstones that were written with lovely sentences, including a woman who recommended that she write on her grave a recipe for chocolate candy!

What aroused my attention, and then my sadness, was a tombstone reading "I told you I was ill". Although the picture is supposed to be comedic, when you think about it, it is sadly sad, miserable and miserable. It represents the person who is completely committed suicide, because ultimately suicide is the end result of a mental illness.

In our Arab and Islamic societies, it is not possible to write this on a tombstone, because of the different traditions of our funerals and burial. But the suicidal person would surely have come back to life shouting in our faces "I told you I would commit suicide!"

Passing a person with many disappointments makes him more likely to fall into the grip of depression, adding to the misunderstanding of mental illness, and not going to the psychiatrist.

Indeed, our Arab world is witnessing a new wave of anti-psychiatric fallacies, which say psychiatrists identify healthy people as mental patients for their own benefit, and do not forget the pharmaceutical companies - who must be present in any conspiracy theory - that want to sell their mental drugs.

On the other hand comes the other misconception, which is that the psychological illness punishment of God Almighty for immorality and immorality, although religion is innocent of these assumptions.

As a result of popular misconceptions of conspiracy theory, the view of receiving blame for sins; the person is lost, to find himself falling more and more into the disease, which may be depressed or bipolar disorder, or even schizophrenia. Suicide can then become a matter of time.

We have to understand that mental illness has nothing to do with faith or infidelity. When you fall from the tenth floor, you will hit the ground, break your bones and die; mental illness is caused by changes in the brain, disorder in certain chemicals, and this has nothing to do with your faith.

Certainly, faith and a supportive network of friends provide psychosocial support for the person, but this is not a substitute for treatment, such as controlling food intake is helpful in dealing with type 1 diabetes - where insulin is not in the body - but not a substitute For injections of insulin, their depletion will die the patient.

In fact, resorting to this "sin" approach, in which we tell the patient that his illness is caused by his sins, may be counterproductive. A person may rush to worship, but his psychological state does not improve, which may lead to discontent and may lead to atheism.

God Almighty is innocent of these trivialities, which is the creation of medicine, and ordered people to cure, and vice versa, God Almighty will hold the human to failure to treat himself.

It must be understood that the person who thinks of suicide feels like a dark tunnel and sees nothing but one way to cross, which is to kill himself. In this case it becomes difficult for the person to live, and it becomes easier to die.

We must talk to the person directly about the subject, and ask him why you want to kill yourself? We must help him to go to the psychiatrist.

Many people assume that if you ask a person if he has suicidal thoughts, you put the idea in his head and alert him. No, this is a mistake. The person who wants to commit suicide thinks about it and plans it, and it is not related to anyone asking him about suicide.

Conversely, mental health professionals encourage people to ask important questions and collect facts to help a person. When someone thinks of committing suicide, his words and actions can give you evidence.

We have to be aware that there are warning signs to be told by the person who intends to commit suicide, ranging from the hint, and perhaps up to the statement: "I will kill myself", and it is important that we know and deal with them seriously.

These are the most prominent warning signs that the person in front of you thinks, plans, or is about to commit suicide:

Emotional warning signs:

1 - feeling depressed.

2 - lack of interest in the activities he had enjoyed in the past.

3. Irritability.

4. Anger.

5. Concern.

6. Sense of shame or humiliation.

7. Mood swings.

Verbal emotional warning signs, which are through the talk of the person about:

1. Kill himself "I will kill myself".

2. His life has no purpose or meaning.

3. Life would be better for my family if I did not exist.

4. I am a burden on you.

5. I feel unwilling to exist.

6. The expression may be indirect, such as "I wish to go to sleep and not wake up."

Behavioral Warning Signs:

1. Isolation from others.

2. Not communicating with friends or family.

3. Abandonment of property.

4. Writing a will.

5. Driving recklessly.

6. Increase aggressive behavior.

7. Increase drug and alcohol abuse.

8. Search for information on suicide on the Internet.

9 - Prepare suicides, such as firearm, or drugs.

10. Stop caring for personal hygiene.

If you see any of these signs on the person you communicate with, you can directly ask him: Are you considering killing yourself?

If a person is contemplating suicide, it is also important to ask him if he has a plan. If he says yes, you should seek help immediately, by going to the emergency room or psychiatric clinic. Do not leave the person alone if he has a plan for suicide.

Psychological illness is not a conspiracy of pharmaceutical companies nor a retaliation against God Almighty, who is merciful to His slaves.

It can help save the life of a loved one by overcoming despair and living, and you must tell him that suicide is not the solution to any problem.

In the end, is there better than helping a person choose life?