Teller Report

"His arguments are ridiculous": Pompeo does not consider the US position on the Crimea and the Golan Heights as a policy of double standards

3/23/2019, 8:35:39 PM

US intentions to recognize the Golan Heights as the territory of Israel cannot be considered a policy of double standards, the head of the State Department, Mike Pompeo, said. The Syrian Golan was occupied by Israeli forces over 50 years ago. Now, according to the Secretary of State, these lands need to be transferred to Israel, since such a move allegedly contributes to the strengthening of stability in the region. At the same time, Washington opposes the recognition of the reunification of the Crimea with Russia, although, as Moscow emphasizes, this happened according to the norms of international law after the referendum. As noted in Sovfed, the United States ignores the fact that the Golan were captured by military means and that there was no question of any will of the inhabitants.

Washington does not consider that the call to recognize the Golan Heights as the territory of Israel is a manifestation of the policy of double standards against the background of the non-recognition of the Crimea by the territory of Russia. This opinion on Saturday, March 23, was expressed by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

The website of the American Foreign Ministry published an interview with a 55-year-old diplomat, which he gave to the British television company Sky News. One of the questions was about the intentions of the United States regarding the Golan.

The journalist recalled that Washington imposed sanctions against Moscow in connection with the reunification of the Crimea with the Russian Federation. At the same time, the US is now going to recognize the Golan Heights as Israeli. The journalist asked the head of American diplomacy whether this situation is a manifestation of the policy of double standards.

"Not at all. The actions of the President (USA Donald Trump. - RT ) in relation to the Golan Heights are a recognition of the real situation on the ground and the security situation necessary for the protection of Israel. It's so easy, ”answered Pompeo.

It should be noted that on March 16, on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the referendum on the status of the Crimea and the reunification of the peninsula with the Russian Federation, Washington introduced a new package of sanctions against Moscow.

Meanwhile, the head of the State Department also rejected the view that the recognition of the Golan Heights as the territory of Israel violates a UN Security Council resolution. In his opinion, such a decision corresponds to the real situation on the ground. The diplomat added that Washington is "interested in maintaining stability" in the Middle East and the Americans are supposedly "forces of good in the region."

“Our intentions are noble. The decision taken by the president will expand opportunities for stability throughout the region, ”the US Secretary of State said.

Earlier this week, the head of the White House, Donald Trump, announced his intention to recognize the Golan Heights as part of Israel for the sake of regional security. As his adviser John Bolton added, control over this territory cannot be transferred to Syria or Iran due to the alleged "atrocities" of Syrian leader Bashar Assad and Tehran's "destabilizing presence" in the region.

Recall that in 1967 Israel during the six-day war (from 5 to 10 June) with a number of Arab states seized the Golan Heights belonging to Syria. Fourteen years later, the Israeli side unilaterally declared its sovereignty over the Golan. Meanwhile, this decision was not recognized by the international community, including the United States.

  • US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
  • Reuters
  • © Amir Cohen

“Washington has no principles and standards”

Sergey Tsekov, a member of the committee of the Federation Council on international affairs, pointed out Washington’s hypocritical and two-faced behavior on the issue of the Golan and the Crimea.

“The Golan Heights are captured by armed means and are actually annexed, and the Crimea became part of Russia voluntarily, on the basis of the will of the citizens. We became part of Russia in accordance with international standards, in accordance with the right to self-determination, ”the senator said.

Recall that the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol became part of the Russian Federation on March 18, 2014. This decision was made after the referendum, during which more than 95% of the participants of the plebiscite voted for reunification with Russia.

According to Tsekov, the statement by the head of the US State Department, Mike Pompeo, demonstrates that Washington "has no principles and standards."

“In one case, they apply some principles, in the other - others. This is a policy of double standards - the traditional policy of the United States ", - concluded the parliamentarian in an interview with RT.

Chairman of the Federation Council’s information policy commission, Alexei Pushkov, also described as ridiculous the arguments of the head of American diplomacy regarding Israel’s Golan.

“The United States does not recognize the Russian Crimea, which has been part of Russia for more than 200 years, but is ready to recognize the Golan Heights, captured by Israel 50 years ago, as Israeli. The arguments of Pompeo are ridiculous. When in Washington they talk about international law, the answer can only be Homeric laughter, ”the senator wrote on Twitter.

The United States does not recognize the Russian Crimea, which has been part of Russia for more than 200 years, but is willing to recognize the Golan Heights, captured by Israel 50 years ago, as Israeli. The arguments of Pompeo are ridiculous. When in Washington they talk about international law, the answer can only be Homeric laughter.

- Alexey Pushkov (@Alexey_Pushkov) March 23, 2019

As a member of the Federation Council, Igor Morozov, added, Washington continues to pursue a course towards the destruction of the principles and principles of international law.

“The Golan Heights are part of Syria. Mike Pompeo is cunning and is trying to justify the final destruction of international law, to which the United States has been moving for years. I believe that the UN has already expressed its position on the Golan Heights, and this will be the position of the overwhelming majority of the members of the organization, ”the source said.

Washington's intentions of the world community, including the closest allies of the United States in the face of Britain, France and Germany, were received with disapproval and condemnation.

The UN and the EU stressed that the status of the Golan Heights as a Syrian territory occupied by Israel on June 5, 1967, has not changed. In the Arab League, Trump’s decision “is completely outside the scope of international law” was added.

The Russian Foreign Ministry stated that the statement by the US President was "another manifestation of Washington’s disregard for international law, resolutions of the UN Security Council, the principle of land for peace."

“Such appeals can significantly destabilize the already tense situation in the Middle East,” stressed the press secretary of the Russian leader, Dmitry Peskov.

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