Teller Report

"For the president, bright times will not come": how the completion of the investigation of Muller may affect the prospects for Trump

3/23/2019, 4:35:27 PM

Special Prosecutor Robert Müller completed the investigation into the alleged “Russian interference” in the 2016 presidential election. This was announced by the head of the US Department of Justice, William Barr, who is already studying the documents of the Muller Commission. It is still unknown when and to what extent the investigation will be made public. For the early publication of documents are both supporters and opponents of Donald Trump. Meanwhile, the Democratic supporters of the media, who from the very beginning insisted on the guilt of the head of the White House, are surprised that Muller did not put forward new accusations, and have already begun to look for reasons for such a decision. According to experts, the investigation ended somewhat unexpectedly, since many believed that this would happen closer to the 2020 presidential election. However, analysts are confident that the theme of Trump's “ties” with Russia will not disappear from the US domestic agenda.

US Special Prosecutor Robert Muller completed an investigation into the alleged “Russian interference” in the 2016 presidential election and alleged ties to Moscow with Donald Trump's campaign headquarters. The corresponding report was submitted to the US Department of Justice, said the new head of department, William Barr.

"Today (Friday, March 22. - RT ), the Special Prosecutor provided me with a" confidential report explaining the decisions to put forward or drop charges, "which he took," says Barr in a statement addressed to the heads of the legal committees of both houses of the US Congress.

“I’m studying the report and expect to be able to inform you about the main findings of the special prosecutor already this weekend,” added Barr.

The head of the Justice Ministry said that he intends to consult with Robert Muller and the Deputy Prosecutor General Rod Rosenstein and determine what information from the report of the Special Prosecutor in accordance with the law can be presented to Congress and the public.

Thus, it is not yet known whether the document prepared by the Muller Commission will be fully or partially published. However, a number of leading American media, citing representatives of the US Department of Justice, said that following the results of the work of their commission, Müller did not intend to recommend new charges.

In addition, the representative of the special prosecutor Peter Carr said that Muller in the coming days will resign and leave the post. At the same time, part of his team will continue to work for some time in order to properly conduct the closure of the office of the special prosecutor.

The lawyers of the current US President Rudolph Giuliani and Jay Sekulov expressed their satisfaction with the completion of the investigation of Muller and expressed their desire to get acquainted with the report of the Special Prosecutor before its possible publication.

In turn, the press secretary of the White House, Sarah Sanders, said that the presidential administration has not yet received any documents following the results of the investigation of Muller.

We’re looking forward to the process taking. The White House has been received on the Special Counsel's report.

- Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) March 22, 2019

“The next steps are to be taken by Attorney General William Barr, and we look forward to the start of this process. The White House did not receive a report from the Special Prosecutor and was not informed about it, ”she wrote on Twitter.

It is interesting that for the speediest publication of the document prepared by Muller they appear both in the Trump administration and in opposition to the head of the White House (primarily in the Democratic Party).

“Let people see him. There was no collusion. There was no obstruction of justice. There was nothing, ”TASS quoted the American leader, who earlier this week noted that the publication of the report would allow the Americans to be convinced of the groundlessness of the charges against him.

At the same time, the leaders of the Democrats are calling for the publication of the document without banknotes and without prior familiarization with it of Donald Trump and his legal team.

"Attorney General Barr should not give President Trump, his lawyers or cabinet officers any preview of the findings or evidence found by Special Prosecutor Muller, and the White House should not interfere in making decisions about which parts of the data or evidence will be made public," he said. a joint statement by Democratic Senate Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

It is the imperative for Mr. Barr’s report. My statement with @SpeakerPelosi:

- Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) March 22, 2019

Add that a week and a half ago, on March 14, the lower house of the US Congress voted to publish the report of Muller after the investigation of the special prosecutor. The resolution adopted is advisory in nature and is not binding, but in his latest statement, Justice Minister William Barr emphasized his commitment to “maximum transparency” in this matter.


Recall that the investigation of the former director of the FBI, Robert Muller "Russian interference" in the US presidential election lasted almost two years, - the Ministry of Justice appointed him to the post of special prosecutor on May 17, 2017. However, in the course of many months of scrupulous work, not a single proof of this “intervention” was presented, which was repeatedly pointed out both in the Kremlin and in the White House.

“I want the obscurantism to end, due to the alleged interference of Russia in some kind of election campaign in the United States, so that the American elites finally calm down, finally figure out among themselves, so that there is a balance and a certain balance in the oil market common sense and national interests ", - said in October 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In total, over the time of the Muller Commission’s work, various charges were brought against more than 30 people, including several Russians who allegedly contributed to attempts to influence the 2016 elections, and several former members of the Trump team, including the former head of his campaign headquarters Paul Manafort.

He was eventually sentenced to 7.5 years in prison on charges of financial crimes, including hiding lobbying activities in the interests of Ukraine and money laundering from the authorities, as well as giving false testimony.

As the president of the United States believes, the trial of Manafort proved that there was no “Russian interference”.

“Both the judge and the lawyer in the case of Paul Manafort said clearly, and everyone could hear it: there was no collusion with Russia. But the hoax with the witch hunt continues, ”he wrote on Twitter on March 8.

“To tell again that Trump is a puppet of the Kremlin would be ridiculous”

According to the expert of the International Institute for Humanitarian and Political Studies, Vladimir Brutera, such investigations are a hallmark of American justice and can continue for quite a long time, leaving the political situation in the country hanging.

“As far as the completion of the investigation is concerned, for Trump this is a positive factor, he may feel more free. But I think that the text of the report itself will be the basis for further attacks. The democratic press will use the text of the report for various insinuations and assumptions, ”the source said.

“Müller’s mission is over, but I think that bright and simple times for Trump will not come,” added Bruter.

In turn, political analyst at the CIS-EMO international monitoring organization Stanislav Byshok, in a conversation with RT, noted that the investigation of the special prosecutor ended somewhat unexpectedly, since experts expected this to happen closer to the 2020 presidential election and to be used by Trump's opponents against him.

“On the other hand, it may still be relevant. Consultations are now underway regarding the possibility of partial or full publication, but as they are being held, this may be delayed enough to surface in the form of partial publications closer to the 2020 elections, ”the expert said.

He also expressed the opinion that this topic will still be used in domestic American politics, although the stories about Trump’s likely “connections” with Moscow now sound much less relevant than a year or two ago, given the fact that he accepts anti-Russian sanctions "Born in the bowels of the congress."

“Again, telling that Trump is a puppet of the Kremlin will be ridiculous, because all actions of a political, economic nature are unfriendly towards Russia. In this case, I don’t think that publishing or unpublishing Muller’s files will greatly influence Trump’s political fate. So far he has no worthy opponent in the 2020 election from the Democrats, ”Byshok summed up.

“How could they let Trump get off the hook?”

Add that against the backdrop of waiting for the publication of data from the investigation of Muller, many American media are discussing the fact that the special prosecutor did not present new charges of collusion. Although the press affiliated with the democrats from the very beginning of the investigation ultimatum stated that Trump’s team was guilty of relations with Russia and almost daily discussed the possibility of impeaching the head of state.

“How could they let Trump get off the hook?” Asked MSNBC presenter Chris Matthews to NBC reporter Ken Dilanyan.

"If you’ve taken the 5th. Mueller, it’s not worth the subpoena fight." @KenDilanianNBC on Mueller concluding his report. # / MjQYCj13AD

- Hardball (@hardball) March 22, 2019

In response, Dilanyan suggested that the special prosecutor decided not to bring the case to court, since the president allegedly made it clear to Muller that he would take advantage of the Fifth Amendment if necessary and would not testify against himself, strongly delaying the process.

In turn, the editor of the publication Mother Jones Mark Fallman did not rule out that the parties could come to a certain compromise: Müller did not press charges against the current US president, but the final report "may be very bad for Trump."

At the same time, the famous American journalist Glenn Greenwald noted that what is happening could seriously confuse the mainstream media viewers, because for the last two years they have constantly tried to convey the same idea: Trump and his entourage are guilty.

“You can't blame MSNBC viewers for being confused. For the past two years, the channel has kept dissidents away from their espionage stories about Trump and Russia. As recently as two weeks ago, they were on the air (former director of the CIA. - RT ) John Brennan, who assumed that Muller as his last action would charge charges of conspiracy to members of the Trump family, ”Greenwald wrote on Twitter.