Teller Report

"Act 10" of the "yellow vests": "If we want things to change, we must insist"

1/19/2019, 6:33:44 PM

They were tens of thousands in the streets of several cities of France, Saturday, to show their anger again. After 10 weeks of mobilization, the & quot; yellow jackets & quot; do not want to let go.

A movement that is running out of steam? If the figures of the Ministry of the Interior seem to show that the mobilization of "yellow vests" marked the pace, Saturday, for his "act 10", the sound of the bell within the processions was very different. Europe 1, which followed the demonstrations in several cities of France all day, went to meet protesters always very motivated.

READ ALSO - Watch live "act 10" of "yellow vests"

"If we stop, we will get nothing." This is the case of Marie-Ange, who marched in Toulouse. In the Pink City, some 10,000 people gathered, a record since the beginning of the movement of "yellow vests". This can be explained in particular by appeals launched throughout the department to encourage convergence towards the metropolis. "This motivates, we say we are not there for nothing," says Marie-Angel. "We see that others are like us, that they are fed up with the system." No way for her to stop there. "If we want things to change, we have to insist, if we stop, we will definitely not get anything."

"We do not let anything". For the moment, the executive has not made a move, say the "yellow vests". The "big national debate" launched Tuesday by the government? "It's a slogan, political communication, nobody is fooled," slice Eric, who has traveled some 14 kilometers with the rest of the Parisian procession, for a much more classic event than usual, with a precise layout and respected. The mood is the same in the streets of Grenoble, where Jacky wants to "show him, Manu". "We're still here, we do not let go." For Karine, also present in the chief town of Isère, the President of the Republic must "stop pretending to listen". "Let him hear and bring concrete answers!", She insists.

"We need concrete things". Cedric, who has also joined the ranks of the parade in Grenoble, pushes the point: "We need concrete things now, not in two months, that's why people are more and more mobilized." For many "yellow vests", Saturday at the end of the day, the time was already to prepare an "act 11".