Justice Minister Candidate Park Bum-gye said today (25th), "I know the anguish voices of many people who wish to survive the bar exam. If I become a minister, I will consider whether something can be temporarily remedied."

Candidate Park said in the process of responding to the controversy over the assault of test students at a personnel hearing held at the National Assembly today, presupposing that "the law school has already been introduced and has been implemented nationwide, so returning to the origin is difficult."

Candidate Park raised a question about the controversy about the assault of the high school student, "I am not big, but five or six young men who are much larger than me appeared at 10:00 pm," and "I wanted to know how I knew my address at that time."

He also said, "My wife is alone in Daejeon's house, and five or six people insisting on sashimi respect were terribly surprised by pressing the doorbell at night. My second grader in high school also showed up while picketing on the way back," he said. "Politeness is what appears when the other person feels polite."

Candidate Park responded to the case in which lawyer Kim So-yeon was a preliminary candidate for the Democratic Party's Daejeon city council, and was asked for a “nominated donation” of 100 million won from Park’s side. He said, "I don't have an aspect of my non-visibility."

(Photo = Yonhap News)