
I will tell you one more story about people who are struggling with Corona.

Physical education specialty students usually go to college through special screenings based on their achievements in competitions.

But this year, more than half of the competitions haven't been held at all, making it difficult to prepare for the entrance exam.

Reporter Ahn Sang-woo reported this.


The achievements obtained by participating in various competitions in high school 3rd grade gymnastics talent A and 3rd high school students are the most important for college entrance exams, but this year's corona 19 has prevented national competitions from being held.

[A Yang / Sports Specialist: It was regrettable that the game was not held continuously.

There are more events that played even one game, but we couldn't play at all...


Miss A, who was unable to participate in the competition even when she was in her second year because of her injury, eventually applied for the student department's comprehensive screening, competing with general high school students.

[A Yang/Physical Specialist: (We) Because sports are a class at school, there is no such thing as a student department activity.

It's not that you can attend a lot of volunteer activities.]

Recruitment of Sports Specialists Three-quarters of universities use the performance of the competition as a qualification requirement or evaluation index.

However, with no more than half of the competitions held this year due to Corona, 86.5% of students, parents and leaders said they are having a hard time making career decisions.

Several measures were taken, such as urging the holding of the tournament or easing the performance requirements for college admission, but many responded that it was not sufficient.

[Parent of Sports Specialist: I don't think it's effective at all.

It means that the contents of medal scores, and competitions that are reflected in (in college), are the same as last year or this year.]

[Kim Seung-soo/National Assemblyman (National Assembly stylistic committee): Judging because there is no such means to prove the skills cultivated over the years I think we need to prepare a variety of other criteria that can serve as a basis.] In

preparation for the prolonged corona, it seems necessary to introduce a system that can evaluate the skills of special

students by

college in addition to the performance of the competition.

(Video coverage: Kim Hak-mo, video editing: Park player)