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contaminated water from a nuclear power plant flows into the sea, it is a radioactive substance called tritium.

Tritium produced during nuclear power generation divides and emits beta rays. Excessive exposure to these can cause genetic modification or cancer.

Even if contaminated water is purified, the current technology cannot remove harmful substances, but Japan plans to mix and dilute water before discharging.

And most of all, the biggest problem is that if Japan dumps contaminated water in the sea, it rides the current and eventually flows into our seas a year or two later.


Internationally, the emission limit of tritium that can be discharged into the sea is 60,000 becquerels per liter.

However, over 1 million becquerels of contaminated water are stored at the site of the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

It exceeds 100 times the drinking water standard set by the World Health Organization and 16 times the discharge standard.

The Japanese government has argued that it is okay if you mix clean water with contaminated water to lower the tritium concentration.

However, environmental groups criticize it as being tricky.

Greenpeace says diluting contaminated water does not change the total amount of radioactive material discarded.

Contaminated water contains not only tritium, but also radioactive substances that accumulate in the body, such as cesium.

Marine organisms that accumulate cesium can distribute to other countries or have a wide range of effects on marine ecosystems along the food chain.

Some research shows that if contaminated water is discharged from Japan, it can reach Jeju in 220 days and the West Sea in 400 days.

In preparation for this, the Nuclear Safety Commission added 10 observation points for maritime radioactivity and expanded them to 32, and increased the number of observations once a year to four.

[Shim Chung / Nuclear Safety Commission Safety Communication Officer: there are closely monitored for domestic waters flowing if the radioactive material, through the Japan Regulatory Authority (contaminated) is planning to call for emissions and concentrations, such as a detailed plan]

Our government He announced that he would closely follow the Japanese government's decision by asking for transparent information disclosure in solidarity with the international community.

(Video Editing: Hwang Ji-young) 

▶ Why is it in a hurry to discharge contaminated water from Fukushima...

Japanese fishermen also resisted