
Concha Velasco plays the writer Isabel Chacón in 'María's room'.


The veteran actress stars in 'Mary's room', a monologue about loneliness written by her son in which she plays a writer who has been cloistered in her house for 43 years and must face a fire in her building.


I'm going to ask you a favor as soon as I start and that is that you please congratulate Rafael Nadal

. Because I have neither Facebook nor social networks, I don't know how to tell him that many congratulations because he has been wonderful, as always. I admire him so much! I cried at the end, because I saw him with my children and my grandson. How humble! What a wonderful man! He has my admiration, my affection and my respect. "

Before starting the interview,

Concha Velasco

(Valladolid, 1939) makes her conditions very clear with laughter.

The victory of the tennis player from Manacor against

Novak Djokovic

At Roland Garros he still has her captivated and wants to record it.

That impudence when expressing her feelings keeps her in all the responses, where she jumps from the uncovering cinema to her new work,

The María room

(Reina Victoria Theater in Madrid, from October 21 to January 24), without avoiding themes like his

neighborhood Cinema


or the State of Culture in Spain.

How has it been to resume the role of the writer Isabel Chacón after the break suffered as soon as she debuted? We premiered the show in Donosti, with all the favorable pronouncements and the theater packed as far as possible.

But then we suspended in Valladolid, Palencia ... We have not done it again.

I am very excited to return.

The difficulty is that I do not stop studying, because I forget.

We rehearse every day.

It is the function that I have rehearsed the most times of all the ones I have done in my life. What does it feel like when the author of the play is a son? Well, it is not the first time that he does one for me ... [laughs] The difficulty is that it is not exactly a monologue.

She is a woman who has been locked up in her house for 43 years because she has agorophobia.

She is a very famous writer, she is writing her latest novel and a fire breaks out ... The set is very expensive, very complicated to make.

And I am directed by José Carlos Plaza, which is the sixth time he has done it.

We have done it, like all of them, with great love and enthusiasm.

But this in a special way, because Manuel wrote it to me at my request.

I have also asked Antonio Gala, who has written six performances for me.

Not that I compare them, but ... The first one my son did to me was


, which had a huge success at the box office and was on the bill for three years.

Then I asked him for this and we gave it to the producer Jesús Cimarro.

He replied that it was "a bad time to premiere a show" because it was just at the beginning of the pandemic.

But after reading it, he liked it so much that he called us and said: "I'm going to produce it!"

It belongs to Grupo Pentación, but on the poster it is one of the few works that says it is produced by him.

He was so excited that he has put everything he needed: the books are real, the house is falling apart ... And I can count up to there!

The bad thing is that then the pandemic came and my children did not let anyone enter or leave my house.

They took too much care of me.

They've kept me a little bit confined beyond the legal confinement of the state.

And in the end, I don't know how, no matter how much respect I had, I also suffered from the coronavirus.

Concha Velasco, during a rehearsal of the work.

It is difficult to find today someone who is as excited as you. I am very good, very excited.

But when they interview me, I don't know whether to say that I'm very happy or that I'm very sad.

I'm happy because we are finally going to continue with the work.

I do not know anyone who has been infected in a theater or in a movie theater.

Everything is excessive.

I wanted to go to the movies and my children say to them: "We can only go to those in Manoteras [on the outskirts of Madrid]".

I live in Sanchinarro and I liked to go to San Sebastián de los Reyes.

But since the Americans have decided not to release films ... They are doing enormous damage to the culture.

I say it in case you want something you can put on, because if not I'm going to look silly.

And I'm anything but stupid.

I'm going to be 81 years old, I have a very lucid head, and I don't want to give the feeling that everything is "hee hee, hahaha".

I think that Culture, with capital letters, does not matter.

Yes, culture does it

in a tiny way


Like for the photo.

But the other is not something that is cared for and respected a lot, really. But it likes to pretend that Culture is respected and defended, right? Independent production companies are crushed.

Cimarro, for example, is an important producer.

I don't like to say that nobody is the most of everything, but it is the one I have worked with for 14 years.

Man invests everything in theater and culture, like what he did this year at the Merida Festival.

And nothing is free.

Now invest in security.

We now take all the health measures: they take your temperature when you enter the theater, the distance is controlled ... We have even cut the duration of the play a little bit, something that costs me a lot.

There were things that I refused to cut, but José Carlos Plaza told me that there was no other choice because it had to last an hour and a quarter for people to enter and leave with caution.

Nor can I do two daily functions.

But, within that, I am happy.

I am very lucky because there are many people who are worse off than me.

I enjoy a family that loves me and a producer who gives me works to do.

A fire will revive the traumas of the protagonist.

You have mentioned Rafael Nadal as a "symbol", but you are also considered a reference.

Do you feel like this? The truth is that

I love being

on shows like Bertín Osborne's [

My house is yours




But I don't know why there was such a stir, if it was great.

What was said about the porn movie I participated in was later clarified.

I haven't done any of those.

They cut off my head and put other people in.

The producers made several versions for other countries and I was surprised to see another actress play me.

But the program was beautiful.

I have thanked Bertín with great affection.

He let me tell things, he was not sticking his finger to make me talk bad.

The mayor of Valladolid was delighted because we kept our distance and we saw the city, the Calderón Theater ... It was about my life and I really told it, without anyone forcing me to say other things.

But what nonsense about the porn movie!

If it was a great film, entitled

I did not find roses for my mother

and directed by Rovira Beleta.

I worked with wonderful actresses, but my character then abroad did porn.

People have taken it out of context, it has been misunderstood.

But the show was one of the best things I've done lately: I didn't have a earpiece, no one made me say anything.

I don't like the earpiece.

I have thanked everyone.

What matters to me are congratulations.

And they have sent me the wonderful painting that appears at the end and I am looking forward to my son so that I can hang it on the wall. So does it make you happy that people continue to talk about you? Precisely one of the things that I advised you in the program Ana Millán, whom I love very much because I have known her for years, is that they should always talk about us.

They better speak well, but ... if you're not here, you don't exist.

Although I am my age and I have



Cine de barrio

, because it is no longer possible to travel.

I did the program on Mondays and went by plane, by train, by car.

But now you can't.

I miss him, I feel sorry for him.

And I haven't put the TV back on any Saturday, even though I really like Alaska.

In the end they have been 10 very beautiful years doing it, and that is why I had not been able to do programs like Bertín's: my contract with RTVE prevented it.

But now I have no contract with anyone.

And I have yet to issue another precious one that I have made with Carlos Sobera,

See you again


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