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Seoul, seven houses in an apartment in Guro-gu had coronavirus together, which is a mystery. It was caught between residents living up and down the same line. At first, the middle-floor house was confirmed as confirmed, and two days later, the two lower houses were confirmed. Oh, I checked all the residents because there was a problem with this, but this time, we skipped several houses, and confirmed cases were found in the two houses above, and today (27th), confirmed cases came out from two places next door. The quarantine authorities are suspicious of having contacted with the elevator. It would be correct if the elevators were used together and the same line was used only when facing each other.

But the problem is, this apartment is a corridor style where more than 20 houses live on one floor. It is rather difficult to take only the same line. So, doubts and curiosities remain among the residents whether the virus was moved by the ventilation fans connected to each house.

Reporter Ahn Sang-woo will explain the situation of this apartment.


First, the presumed route of infection was the vent.

Until yesterday (26th), in this apartment, the floor was different, but there were 8 confirmed patients from 5 households with the same line, because the ventilation ports of the kitchen and toilet are connected to each other on the same line.

[Guro-gu Office official: There are about 20 households living on one floor. (The confirmed person) came from five floors, but unfortunately, it was the only one that came out on one line.]

However, the corona 19 virus did not come out from samples collected from ventilation facilities on the roof of the apartment and ventilation holes of the confirmed person's house.

Health authorities did not consider the possibility of vents high in the first place, as infections through vents should spread the virus from the lower floors to the upper floors.

[Kwon Jun-wook/President of the National Institute of Health: It was investigated that patients with rapid symptoms had a higher number of floors in the same apartment (it was.)]

Instead, the health authorities placed weight on contact infections through elevators used by apartment residents. There is.

In fact, the two confirmed cases added from this apartment today are other Rhine residents next door.

However, as a group of confirmed cases came from an unusual apartment-like line, an additional epidemiological investigation by the health authorities seems necessary.

(Video coverage: Han Il-sang, video editing: Park Player, CG: Seo Seung-hyun)