Many people prefer to publish their files on the web in a "PDF" format, especially in the case of academic papers and academic studies. But sometimes the user encounters some words whose meaning is unknown, and he is forced to leave the page and search for the meaning of the word on the web or using regular dictionaries. This is why Microsoft Edge wanted in its recent versions to provide this effort to the user, and allowed him to identify the meanings of words that he does not know within the browser window itself, which displays the file prepared in the form of "PDF", but he did not do this option by default, and he left Freedom to activate the user. If you are a browser user and want to show word definitions within «PDF» files, follow these steps: Open the Microsoft Edge browser whose icon looks like an “e”. Click the main navigation icon in the application, and it looks like three horizontal dots on the top right side of the window. Scroll through the drop-down window until you reach the Settings tab: click it. Then, scroll through the General Settings section until you have the option: Show Definitions. Click in the empty box next to Option: .pdf files.