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WhatsApp groups are a universe in itself. A space-time vortex that traps many users in a spiral of memes, mundane conversations and links to news accompanied by angry messages.

The WhatsApp group of the parents of students, the family group, a couple groups at work ... WhatsApp groups grow, multiply and, in many cases, users do not even want to be present in those groups .

Commitment, fear of what they will say or social pressure are the reasons why many people do not leave WhatsApp groups. However, you are aware that these do not contribute anything beyond a salad of notifications .

A few months ago, WhatsApp incorporated one of its most anticipated functions: preventing anyone from putting you in a WhatsApp group.

Now WhatsApp is working on another interesting feature related to groups: the ability to silence them forever .

This we have been able to know thanks to the specialized portal WaBetaInfo, which ensures that the company has launched in its beta phase (testing) the function of "always silence" WhatsApp groups.

As it is a function in beta phase, at the moment, only a few users can enjoy it. However, this is the last phase of testing before joining the official features catalog with its next updates .

Until now, by silencing notifications, WhatsApp allowed you to select a period of 8 hours, a week or a year. With the new feature, the one-year option will be replaced by a perpetual option, which can be undone at any time if users so wish.

Other functions about to arrive at WhatsApp

Another of the functions that are currently in a beta phase and that will come to WhatsApp in the coming weeks is that of being able to simultaneously log on to multiple phones and tablets (up to a maximum of 4) using the same phone number.

If you want to know what else is new in WhatsApp, we also recommend reading this other article.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • WhatsApp

Tips The most anticipated function of WhatsApp: use the same number on multiple phones or tablets

Technology The WhatsApp trick to know which contacts are online and when they connect

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