A 23-year-old boy was jailed in Lyon on Tuesday after committing just about every conceivable offense in confinement, from stealing a doctor's car to breaching confinement. Back on the itinerary of the perfect "Covid-19 offender".

This story is probably proof of the talent of some to adapt to the current context. But it is not always a quality. On Tuesday, in Lyon, a 23-year-old young man was imprisoned after having committed almost all the possible offenses imaginable in a period of coronavirus crisis, from the theft of protective masks to non-compliance with confinement, via the car jacking from a doctor. He is now awaiting judgment on May 15.

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He steals masks and claims to have distributed them "out of pure altruism"

It all starts with the choice of a target, which owes nothing to chance. The delinquent points a young practitioner of SOS doctors who came out of a home consultation and steals his logo DS3, containing all his medical equipment. The vehicle was found the next day but without the protective masks, coats, charlottes and bottles of hydro-alcoholic gel, which disappeared.

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Arrested a few hours later, the young man claims to have distributed them to friends, family members or even to strangers "out of pure altruism", to "protect them from the coronavirus", he swears. the hearts of the investigators.

Non-compliance with confinement

But he was also prosecuted for non-compliance with confinement because it was in Saint-Etienne that he was arrested, more than 60 kilometers from the place of his attack. A journey he obviously made without the proper certification.


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By looking at his profile, the Lyon police will also realize that the man is particularly known for their services, the author of multiple offenses ranging from simple theft to that with kidnapping and forcible confinement. They realize especially that he has just been released from prison, having benefited ten days earlier from an early release, granted in greater number by the judges since the epidemic raged.