Daegu mayor Kwon Young-jin said, "We cannot afford to investigate why Shincheonji lives in a unified apartment because there is not enough manpower for protection."

Kwon responded to the question today at the Corona19 Regular Briefing, whether he is going to investigate whether there was a problem with the single-minded apartment move-in process.

"I'm wondering, but I hope you can cooperate with the press so that you can focus on prevention," he said. I think I should do it. ”

As for the apartment, he explained, "It was built in 1985, but there is no elevator. The rent is also 53,000 won. So, he said that somebody went into this apartment to get a cheap apartment, and later they decided to introduce themselves.

Kwon also expressed concern about the alleged intervention of Daegu officials in Daegu. He said, "This suspicion is causing a lot of civil servants who work at night and night out."

(Video Editing: Park Seung Yeon)