
After her forays into theater, film and television, the singer recovers her musical facet and bets on a mix of rhythms in her most recent work

Despite who weighs, Najwa Nimri (Pamplona, ​​1972) is out. After his foray into the theater with Drac Pack (2016), sneak into top audience series such as Vis a vis and La casa de papel and his nomination for the Goya for Who will sing to you (Carlos Vermut, 2018), the versatile artist now recovers his Musical facet with the recent Comes Long . A new solo album that bets on a collage of rhythms with electronic wrapping presented on Thursday, March 5 in Ochoymedio. We located it in the studio giving the last touches to its live.

Six years have passed since your last album, Rat Race . Why so much time? I am working hard on other things and as much as I have clear ideas I have not had material time to record the new songs, because I have not stopped shooting. You are a bit at all: cinema, television, theater, music. Everything is part of the same thing: living creating. Rat Race was in English and more discotheque and this one is in Castilian and much more ragged ... Well, after Rat Race I took Bonzo , with Carlos Jean. I meant alone ... Ah, okay. Although some sign them alone I always do them with someone. In the case of Carlos we signed together, but for example Josh Tampico helped me with the production, which has worked as a sound engineer for Red Hot Chili Peppers. It is very cool and I have understood very well with him. Although before I started trying things with El Guincho and from there came the single Slow. These new songs are darker than those of Rat Race. Well, that one was also quite dark, what happens is that it sounded more electropop and inevitably something else came out partying In the end I never just took myself seriously. And I because I sing more or less softly, but my songs are really always quite dark. Here there is a mixture of hip hop, trap, spoken word, electronic and even traditional Cuban rhythms, as in I'm not afraid to cry . Exactly. It is a mass of influences and seems to pull towards one place, but then it does not pull towards any. At first we think of rhythms like the tumbao, which has more to do with the lower belly and the hip, but finally there is only a little of that. The single Bella ciao does not appear on the elepé. Why? I was not meant to put it in the album. They proposed it to me from the record company and I wanted to try a very dry version. Then I learned about the story behind the lyrics and everything behind it. And I was a little surprised at how stupidly people use it now. The people at La casa de papel liked it a lot, but I never thought about selling it or making a video clip or anything. I really like the spirit that I have taken out, because what the lyrics say is creepy. It is a political anthem: of the Italian antifascist resistance, of the partisans. They sang it knowing that they were going to be loaded. I perfectly imagined the situation and the crudeness of the moment. You had to put a soundtrack like a post-apocalyptic film, the end of the world. That's how I imagined it and that's how I did it. "I'm still the beast," he says in the song It comes long . Is the thing so much? And for much more! That stanza reminds me of Care , the Eskorbuto classic: "Be careful, be careful, we warn you, we are the same as when we started." It's my favorite sentence: that's how we start, so we follow. It is the phrase I repeat most. Is it a warning for the uninitiated? Not at all. In addition, new generations do not take it as a warning. Any hint of chulería interpret it as a grace, which is what it is. Now people do not interpret it as superb. Getting cool causes a lot of laughter. Do you feel more connected to new generations like El Guincho? Well, El Guincho is already 36. I mean even younger people, that I have a 15-year-old son. And to work at the level of El Guincho you have to have a few years and a musical culture and have gone through several places, because it does not produce from the trend but from knowledge. And the engineer I am with now is also my age. Or he is a little younger, because everyone I know is younger than me. There comes a time when that usually happens, yes. No, but it has always happened to me: it happened to me at 20 and I It happens at 40. And at 50 it will happen to me too. Comparing interviews of recent times with those of your beginnings, something that you have softened, right? I guess, I don't know. I do not know what to say. If you see it that way, I am delighted. I have never been too good at anything other than my job. I would love it to be otherwise, but that's what it is. Is it shyness? I don't think so. People who talk about their own shyness don't seem too shy either. I don't usually feel very comfortable in interviews. Once I start, everything is fine. But at the beginning it costs me a lot of effort. Maybe it's the promotion routine. I don't feel especially comfortable talking about my job or talking about me. It is much easier for me to do the job than to talk about it. There is always a time when I get tired of myself. But I never get tired of the one in front. And that is a very peculiar thing. But it is real! I get tired of myself, I'm lazy. I never return home after an interview session thinking that everyone is an asshole and I am very intelligent, but quite the opposite. That's why I keep so much, not to spend myself. There are people who love to listen and there are people who do not like anything. As you say in Tasqtsales , another of the new songs: "I'm not getting intense, I just have bad press." (Laughs) Yes, exactly, That's it. Have you ever felt misunderstood? Yes, all my life, since I was little. But I think the culprit is me. I have nothing to reproach. I don't think the world is wrong in plan: "Poor thing about me, I'm misunderstood." That has never happened to me, so I can always go back, because I have never believed that it is the fault of others nor I have thrown balls out. I always say to myself: "Aunt, if you don't explain it, how will they understand you, buddy?" It is something that often happens to me and it is a question that I have not been able to explain. That's why I am easily misunderstood, really.

Data of interest:

What: Najwa. When: Thursday, March 5 (from 8 p.m.). Where: Ochoymedio (Barceló, 11. Madrid). Sold out.

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