
As the number of patients related to Shinchonji in Korea increased rapidly, the health authorities are conducting a follow-up survey on the members of Shinchon Daegu Church. All are calling more than 9,000 people, 300 of whom are not yet in touch.

I'm Kwon Young-in.

<Reporter> Daegu City has secured a list of more than 9,300 members of the Daegu Church in Sincheonji and conducts follow-up investigations.

We are calling directly to let you know that you are being quarantined and to check for any suspected corona19, such as fever or cough.

The Daegu City and the health authorities said yesterday (21) that they surveyed 4,400 members of the Daegu Church in Sincheonji.

Of those who responded, 544 complained of suspicious symptoms.

[Eun-Kyung Chung / Head of Disease Control Division: The highest priority survey among members of the Daegu Church in Shinchon-ji will be the first priority to examine about 540 people who are found to be deceased.

Over 100 civil servants in Daegu are in charge of the project, and we expect to see a full investigation after this weekend.

Daegu plans to look for prospective members who have been trained separately at the Sincheonji Center after completing the survey of existing members.

The government has asked other local members who have visited the Shinchonji Daegu Church to voluntarily report to the Center for Disease Control.