JLL, the global real estate consultancy and investment company, today announced the establishment of JLL Technologies Group, which aims to expand the company's digital and technological initiatives and accelerate the pace of innovation in the commercial real estate sector to serve the interests of real estate investors and tenants. .

JLL has dedicated a dedicated team to the new group.Meher Shah and Yishai Lerner are managing the team with their long experience working in the Silicon Valley technology sector and experience in leading JLL Spark since 2017. It will also join the global executive board of the JLL Group.

JLL Chief Executive Christian Ulrich said: “JLL is moving towards adopting cutting-edge technologies to meet current customer needs and anticipating opportunities for the future. To outline the future of workplaces and the urban environment.

“The team, led by Meher Weichai, will work to consolidate the growth culture of JLL Technologies,” said Albrech.

The goal of JLL Spark was to promote technology adoption in commercial real estate. Spark has invested $ 100 million in 14 real estate startups around the world. JLL Spark and its teams responsible for creating digital products and services for the company and its customers will join JLL Technologies, while JLL will be directly affiliated with JLL's CEO.

“We are taking advantage of the latest technologies available globally to increase the value of real estate and the number of properties available around the world,” said Meher Shah.

Yishai Lerner pointed to the great opportunities that are achieving better results in this field with the emergence of technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and software mechanization.